书籍 The Ruby Programming Language的封面

The Ruby Programming Language

David Flanagan










Ruby has gained some attention through the popular Ruby on Rails web development framework, but the language alone is worthy of more consideration -- a lot more. This book offers a definition explanation of this powerful and extremely flexible language, which draws inspiration from Lisp, Smalltalk and Perl, but uses a grammar that's easy for C and Java programmers to learn.

With The Ruby Programming Language, you will quickly learn your way around versions 1.8 and 1.9, and discover why this pure object-oriented language is also suitable for procedural and functional programming styles. You'll learn Ruby's lexical structure, primary expressions, conditionals, syntax, classes, the data it manipulates, and more. Ruby blurs the distinction between language and platform, so this book includes a tour of the core Ruby API. But the primary subject is the language itself, including:

* Ruby's lexical structure including basic issues like character set, case sensitivity and reserved words

* Numbers, strings, ranges, arrays, and other data that Ruby programs can manipulate, plus basic features of all Ruby objects

* Primary expressions in Ruby -- literals, variable references, method invocations and assignments

* Conditionals, loops (including blocks and iterator methods), exceptions and other Ruby expressions

* Ruby's method definition and invocation syntax, and the invokeable objects known as procs and lambdas

* An explanation of closures in Ruby and an exploration of functional programming techniques

* Classes and modules in Ruby, inheritance, method visibility, mixing modules and the method name resolution algorithm

* Ruby APIs that allow a program to inspect and manipulate itself, and metaprogramming techniques that use the APIs to extend Ruby's syntax for easier programming

* A quick tutorial of the Ruby platform -- the most important classes and methods, text processing, numeric computation, collections, input/output, networking and threads

The Ruby Programming Language also covers the top-level Ruby programming environment, including global variables and functions, command-line arguments supported by the Ruby interpreter, and Ruby's security mechanism. If you're an experienced programmer who wants a look at this language in depth, this easy-to-follow guide is invaluable.

才发现,这本书的作者也是 Java In a Nutshell 的作者,这圈真小……
非常不错, 可以作为入门的书籍,不过读的时候要认真一点, 松本自己讲解ruby确实很到位:所谓到位 不是说涉及了多深的内容, 而是 非常完美的把整个ruby世界都展现出来了, 尤其对DSL的例子恰到好处, 自己的语言果然烂熟于胸。 “由本书的作者,亲自为你讲解”, 看到这本书,忍不住想起来大学里 某个老师的经典语录 也顺便感谢他给了我大学里的最高分数。
翻了一遍,用到了再细看。Ruby 比Python复杂得多。
Still on the way, 先来Mark一下. 好性感的语言!