书籍 The Importance of Being Ernest (Stratford Festival)的封面

The Importance of Being Ernest (Stratford Festival)

Oscar Wilde







This Series provides a permanent record of some of the great plays and performances of recent and distant history, featuring many of Canada's outstanding senior actors.The Stratford Festival of Canada is one of our country's preeminent theatrical summer festivals attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the globe. CBC Audio, in collaboration with the Stratford Festival, chose the best performances to be produced at the Glenn Gould Theatre in CBC's Broadcasting Centre.In the intimate setting of Glenn Gould Studio, audiences have the unprecedented opportunity to look behind the scenes in the creation of radio drama. Words, music, sound effects and, most importantly, audience participation, combine to create the finest dramatic readings.CBC's Stratford Reading Performances also feature original and professionally performed music.To mark the centenary of Wilde's death, the Stratford Festival of Canada staged this unique production of the original, complete four-act version of his famous play. This does not replace the well-known three-act version, but does give the audience an opportunity to enjoy the play that Wilde originally wrote, with its extra characters, more pointed social commentary, additional scenes and new dialogue. This play remains perhaps Wilde's wittiest and most loved romantic comedy.

stanford暑假的回忆 加州的夏天 懒在松软的沙发里 互相朗读的对白和在古老剧场里看的话剧。
What's in a name? That man we call Ernest by any other name would be “earnest” indeed. 情节对白有些孩子气,诙谐幽默,矛盾冲突集中,谎言—真相—谎言—真相—谎言成真的反转其实很精彩。
Comedy of Manners
很好笑 准备再去看一下话剧和电影
Elegant sophistication and intellectual wit
A trivial comedy for serious people.
聪明的,有趣的,可爱的,一本正经地胡说八道的王尔德!形式清晰,短小精悍,恰到好处的精准投放的笑点和讽刺,狗血之王。结尾有点莎士比亚了,happy ending一个峰回路转便唾手可得。