书籍 The Forest Unseen的封面

The Forest Unseen

David George Haskell







A biologist reveals the secret world hidden in a single square meter of forest. In this wholly original book, biologist David Haskell uses a one- square-meter patch of old-growth Tennessee forest as a window onto the entire natural world. Visiting it almost daily for one year to trace nature's path through the seasons, he brings the forest and its inhabitants to vivid life. Each of this book's short chapters begins with a simple observation: a salamander scuttling across the leaf litter; the first blossom of spring wildflowers. From these, Haskell spins a brilliant web of biology and ecology, explaining the science that binds together the tiniest microbes and the largest mammals and describing the ecosystems that have cycled for thousands- sometimes millions-of years. Each visit to the forest presents a nature story in miniature as Haskell elegantly teases out the intricate relationships that order the creatures and plants that call it home. Written with remarkable grace and empathy, "The Forest Unseen" is a grand tour of nature in all its profundity. Haskell is a perfect guide into the world that exists beneath our feet and beyond our backyards.


summer reading
appreciate the nature.
The writing is first-rate; the sources first-hand. I just read through it too quickly without ruminating. But some of the curious facts still linger on my mind, such as the ways caterpillars eat leaves.
一整年对于一平方米old growth forest “mandala”的观察日志 今年最爱。 观察有可能只是匆匆一瞥 也可以是管中窥豹 不仅看到观察对象还能尝试去理解千万年来自然选择的轨迹和背靠的生态系统的规律;这样的观察既帮助我们摸索世界 更能窥视自己内心。
@2014-05-04 11:50:46