书籍 The Sense of Style的封面

The Sense of Style

Steven Pinker


Viking Books







Why is so much writing so bad, and how can we make it better? Is the English language being corrupted by texting and social media? Do the kids today even care about good writing? Why should any of us care?

In The Sense of Style, the bestselling linguist and cognitive scientist Steven Pinker answers these questions and more. Rethinking the usage guide for the twenty-first century, Pinker doesn’t carp about the decline of language or recycle pet peeves from the rulebooks of a century ago. Instead, he applies insights from the sciences of language and mind to the challenge of crafting clear, coherent, and stylish prose.

In this short, cheerful, and eminently practical book, Pinker shows how writing depends on imagination, empathy, coherence, grammatical knowhow, and an ability to savor and reverse engineer the good prose of others. He replaces dogma about usage with reason and evidence, allowing writers and editors to apply the guidelines judiciously, rather than robotically, being mindful of what they are designed to accomplish.

Filled with examples of great and gruesome prose, Pinker shows us how the art of writing can be a form of pleasurable mastery and a fascinating intellectual topic in its own right.

Steven Pinker is the Harvard College Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. A two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist and the winner of many awards for his research, teaching, and books, he has been named one of Time's 100 Most Influential People in the World Today and Foreign Policy's 100 Global Thinkers.

Good writing
A window onto the world
The curse of knowledge
The web, the tree, and the string
Arcs of coherence

主要在讲英文写作,理所当然应该看英文版。 We can remind ourselves of the reasons to strive for good style: to enhance the spread of ideas, to exemplify attention to detail, and to add to the beauty of the world.
比较庆幸在the elements of style和on writing well之后看它,因为它对读者有要求。必须对风格和规则有基本了解。 写作是阅读的逆向,但又是不同的事。人有语言本能所以阅读对写作有帮助。如何将串行的文本准确的编码和解码是门艺术,更需要认知科学。不能想当然的认为专业人士就等于讲得清楚。讲述是去提供解世界的窗口,不要假设受众的知识储备,尽量说人话,少把术语和模板当常识。最喜欢tree string web还有arcs of coherence的部分,用图阐明了句子的被认知过程和大脑的偏好(组块,左树轻,肯定优于否定),好的风格就是利用认知偏好而不引起歧义。最后还有语言的流变过程中,哪些用法其实可接受而哪些不太行。 能理解,但细节比较多,可能得重看。
“The key is to assume that your readers are as intelligent and sophisticated as you are, but that they happen not to know something you know.”