书籍 Legality的封面


Scott J. Shapiro







What is law? This question has preoccupied philosophers from Plato to Thomas Hobbes to H. L. A. Hart. Yet many others find it perplexing. How could we possibly know how to answer such an abstract question? And what would be the point of doing so? In Legality, Scott Shapiro argues that the question is not only meaningful but vitally important. In fact, many of the most pressing puzzles that lawyers confront - including who has legal authority over us and how we should interpret constitutions, statutes, and cases - will remain elusive until this grand philosophical question is resolved. Shapiro draws on recent work in the philosophy of action to develop an original and compelling answer to this age-old question. Breaking with a long tradition in jurisprudence, he argues that the law cannot be understood simply in terms of rules. Legal systems are best understood as highly complex and sophisticated tools for creating and applying plans. Shifting the focus of jurisprudence in this way - from rules to plans - not only resolves many of the most vexing puzzles about the nature of law but has profound implications for legal practice as well. Written in clear, jargon-free language, and presupposing no legal or philosophical background, "Legality" is both a groundbreaking new theory of law and an excellent introduction to and defense of classical jurisprudence.

斯科特·夏皮罗(Scott. J. Shapiro),耶鲁大学法学院Charles F. Southmayd法律教授和哲学教授。研究领域包括法理学、国际法、宪法理论、行动理论和权威理论,被视为法律实证主义阵营继哈特、拉兹之后的第三代领军人物之一。

这学期借机完成了这本书和部分相关文献的阅读,同时也参考了10/19/2021台湾法理学会陈弘儒老师的导读和本书配套的播客。4/11/2022 Shapiro本人还专门过来搞了个座谈进一步澄清,会后也有机会请教了他几个问题。全书大致分五个部分:阐述法理学的方法论;重构法实证主义的论证;提出自己的规划理论;回应德沃金等对法实证主义的批判;规划理论的一些应用。重点关注了前三部分。第一部分争议很大,Leiter最近两篇文章痛批形而上学进路的误区;第二部分批判更多,Gardner&Macklem认为其对哈特practice theory of rules严重误读(Leiter甚至认为就压根不存在PT);第三部分争议不少,关于plan及planning theory有很多在诠释和理解等方面的差别(续)
道德目标命题已经越来越边缘了 迫使讨论不得不向上走。