书籍 A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis的封面

A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Bruce Fink








Professor Fink's Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis addresses the clinically minded of all stripes, from the formally trained psychoanalyst to the layman who may be in, or in any way interested in, psychotherapy. His book will be particularly useful to analysts-in-training and doctoral-level students in psychology and the cognate disciplines. No previous exposure to Lacan's thinking is required.

--William Richardson, Boston College

Written with a clarity and accessibility unusual in Lacanian studies, Professor Fink's book leads the reader step by step through Lacanian analysis, moving progressively toward the more problematic aspects of the theory. For students and practitioners of psychoanalysis, I'd recommend this book as the best I've seen.

--Stanley A. Leavy, M.D., Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis

Bruce Fink has established his place as one of the central authorities on Lacan in this country, without peer in his familiarity with all phases of Lacan's work and in the clarity of his exegeses. Fink presents something that has not yet been seen in America, and rarely approached with such perspicacity anywhere: an introduction to Lacanian psychoanalysis not only as theory, but as clinical methodology and practice.

--Kenneth Reinhard, University of California, Los Angeles

Bruce Fink has established his place as one of the central authorities on Lacan in this country, without peer in his familiarity with all phases of Lacan's work and in the clarity of his exegeses...Professor Fink presents something that has not yet been seen in America, and rarely approached with such perspicacity anywhere: an introduction to Lacanian psychoanalysis not only as theory, but as clinical methodology and practice.

--Kenneth Reinhard, University of California, Los Angeles

Bruce Fink is a practicing Lacanian psychoanalyst, analytic supervisor, and Professor of Psychology at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He trained as a psychoanalyst in France for seven years with and is now a member of the psychoanalytic institute Lacan created shortly before his death, the École de la Cause freudienne in Paris, and obtained his Ph.D. from the ...


1.15-1.19 几乎全读 很多地方还是串不起来 没想到这么重口撕扯我的三观 看的过程很难受/很怀疑从哲学角度入门精神分析应不应该看这本.../想回去看分哲了
新约般清晰易懂。入门不二之选。“不二”,就是字面意思,因为这是少有的说人话,不碰“黑格尔”“辩证”这类昏人的交通枢纽,不扯意识形态,不说罗素悖论式的癔症语言,能穿越齐泽克幻想直面拉康,还言之有物的书。早读早超生。p.s. 强迫症的那个案例很值得读,至少对我来说。