书籍 Theory of the Gimmick的封面

Theory of the Gimmick

Sianne Ngai







Repulsive and yet strangely attractive, the gimmick is a form that can be found virtually everywhere in capitalism. It comes in many guises: a musical hook, a financial strategy, a striptease, a novel of ideas. Above all, acclaimed theorist Sianne Ngai argues, the gimmick strikes us both as working too little (a labor-saving trick) and as working too hard (a strained effort to get our attention).

Focusing on this connection to work, Ngai draws a line from gimmicks to political economy. When we call something a gimmick, we are registering uncertainties about value bound to labor and time—misgivings that indicate broader anxieties about the measurement of wealth in capitalism. With wit and critical precision, Ngai explores the extravagantly impoverished gimmick across a range of examples: the fiction of Thomas Mann, Helen DeWitt, and Henry James; photographs by Torbjørn Rødland; the video art of Stan Douglas; the theoretical writings of Stanley Cavell and Theodor Adorno. Despite its status as cheap and compromised, the gimmick emerges as a surprisingly powerful tool in this formidable contribution to aesthetic theory.

Sianne Ngai is Professor of English at the University of Chicago. She is the author of Ugly Feelings and Our Aesthetic Categories: Zany, Cute, Interesting, winner of the Modern Language Association’s James Russell Lowell Prize. Her work has been translated into multiple languages, and she has received fellowships from the Institute of Advanced Study in Berlin and the American C...


感觉和《bullshit jobs》合起来读会很有趣。not just aesthetic categories, but the everyday language people use to describe aesthetic categories. 这一点不管第几次读sianne ngai的书都会被打动到。(以及不知道是sianne ngai的prose随着年龄的增长更好读了,还是我经过grad school的鞭打之后对convoluted prose的接受能力增加了,本科时期在我心里最难读的sianne ngai竟然也清晰且情切了起来。)
抢先读了作者发在CI和HJR的三个和自己论文些许相关的章节(其他章节目测暂时不会细读了哈哈)。尤其是Same Secret Principle一章,关于“ unwaged labor secretly incorporated into the wage”和“ affective work performed in covert fashion by waged service providers”的讨论,eye-opening.