书籍 The Divine Comedy的封面

The Divine Comedy

Dante Alighieri







This Everyman’s Library edition–containing in one volume all three cantos, Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso–includes an introduction by Nobel Prize—winning poet Eugenio Montale, a chronology, notes, and a bibliography. Also included are forty-two drawings selected from Botticelli's marvelous late-fifteenth-century series of illustrations.

Translated in this edition by Allen Mandelbaum, The Divine Comedy begins in a shadowed forest on Good Friday in the year 1300. It proceeds on a journey that, in its intense recreation of the depths and the heights of human experience, has become the key with which Western civilization has sought to unlock the mystery of its own identity.

Mandelbaum’s astonishingly Dantean translation, which captures so much of the life of the original, renders whole for us the masterpiece of that genius whom our greatest poets have recognized as a central model for all poets.

Dante Alighieri was born in 1265 in Florence. His family, of minor nobility, was not wealthy nor especially distinguished; his mother died when he was a child, his father before 1283. At about the age of 20 he married Gemma Donati, by whom he had three children. Little is known of Dante's formal education-it is likely to have included study with the Dominicans, the Augustinians...


its political imagination within is a passion close to obsession.
艾伦·曼德尔鲍姆 Allen Mandelbaum 的英译本是众多译本中更严谨负责的。在句式和重要字词上比较负责,不会简单处理了之,功夫过硬。2000年,因其《神曲》的英译本荣获意大利佛罗伦萨市颁发的荣誉金质奖章。英文版首选!
这次是听BBC dramatised 有声书,制作宏大,演员专业,把但丁在地狱炼狱天堂里遇见的人都演活了。感觉他们的所言所行离自己并不遥远,如果我的灵魂可以无限细分,那么也许每个元素都能找到一层来栖居吧。感谢神给但丁智慧与想象力,让他将那无法言说无法呈现的事最大程度地启示给我们看。
Here is non home, here nis but wyldernesse: Forth, pilgrym, forth! Forth, beste, out of thy stal! Know thy contree, look up, thank God of al, Hold the heye wey, and lat thy gost thee lede; And trouthe thee shal delivere, it is no drede.
The catharsis of the all-inclusive hell & heaven tour. 😵