书籍 Ada, or Ardor的封面

Ada, or Ardor

Vladimir Nabokov







Published two weeks after his seventieth birthday, Ada, or Ardor is one of Nabokov's greatest masterpieces, the glorious culmination of his career as a novelist. It tells a love story troubled by incest. But more: it is also at once a fairy tale, epic, philosophical treatise on the nature of time, parody of the history of the novel, and erotic catalogue. Ada, or Ardor is no less than the supreme work of an imagination at white heat. This is the first American edition to include the extensive and ingeniously sardonic appendix by the author, written under the anagrammatic pseudonym Vivian Darkbloom.

Vladimir Nabokov was born on April 23, 1899, in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Nabokovs were known for their high culture and commitment to public service, and the elder Nabokov was an outspoken opponent of anti-Semitism and one of the leaders of the opposition party, the Kadets. In 1919, following the Bolshevik Revolution, he took his family into exile. Four years later he was sh...


nabokov的疯和绚丽在于他多语言切换的咏唱,翻译是无力的。起码要懂英法俄意,但这个人设几乎只成立于上世纪俄裔小少爷。读者真的太难了。万花筒与百宝箱。剥了皮的桃子般巨大的落日。视听系文学 吧
“Ada or ardor or arbors。”近六百页,看了一个月,伴随着一些失眠的夜晚和重获平静的时刻。作为纳博科夫最完整也是最具有雄心的作品,Ada od ardor兼具了Lolita的惊世骇俗及Pale Fire关于时间和记忆的思考,当然还有炫目至极无穷无尽的互文和文字游戏,几乎步步都有指涉和双关。而一个看似绵延八十年的爱情故事的背后,有着无数可供翻转的角落,Van和Ada是超凡脱俗离经叛道的爱侣,但也是亲手造成Lucette悲剧的罪人。在他的书中,对道德的疑问和对美的延展,就像祛魅和复魅,在书中持续拉锯,不断挑战着读者——但我很怀疑纳博科夫是否在乎读者能够理解,他只管写下罪恶和天堂同在的乐园Ardis,万花筒一般的时间之镜,it's pure fun for him。
Our black rainbow, Ada.