Survivor is an abstract concept, limited in the account of number. We take away the humanness in treating these people who have experienced the most tragic event in the world as merely survivors. Yes, they did survive, but in ways that transcend any easy understandings. We saw their past, but can we see their struggling present?
Clothes in general, associated with the mixture of illusions and memory, symbolizes woman's identity and dignity. Rosa (a name tinted with obvious female quality), with her maternal awareness in conflict with others' oblivion and indifference, struggles alone in the aftermaths, disoriented and distraught. Trauma victimizes her mind and chronology.
The Shawl短短几页将三个女孩甚至女婴在Holocaust中所遭遇的恐惧寒冷饥饿求生写得动人心魄 Rosa和Stella的行为举止也在后半段更大篇幅的Rosa章节中体现出来 而前面对于逃难行进路上的描摹也只是引子 更要表达的是后二战时代的居美犹太人在面对文化隔膜和个人衰老时要尽力保持不要失忆“Your Warsaw is not my Warsaw”