书籍 Flaubert's Parrot的封面

Flaubert's Parrot

Julian Barnes









Which of two stuffed parrots was the inspiration for one of Flaubert's greatest stories? Why did the master keep changing the colour of Emma Bovary's eyes? And why should it matter so much to Geoffrey Braithwaite, a retired doctor haunted by a private secret? In "Flaubert's Parrot", Julian Barnes spins out a multiple mystery of obsession and betrayal (both scholarly and romantic) and creates an exuberant enquiry into the ways in which art mirrors life and then turns around to shape it.

Julian Patrick Barnes is a contemporary English writer of postmodernism in literature. He has been shortlisted three times for the Man Booker Prize--- Flaubert's Parrot (1984), England, England (1998), and Arthur & George (2005), and won the prize for The Sense of an Ending (2011). He has written crime fiction under the pseudonym Dan Kavanagh.

Following an education at the City...


Julian Barnes好像就是很喜欢写似真似假的历史。
Reminds me of Possession, which very possibly borrowed the same idea dwelling in this novel, about biographing. In general, 'tis a fanfic.
Julian Barnes真有灵气。Full of wit, charm, smartness, or smugness, but also helplessness, and grief. Books are neat, life is not.
可能有些偏知识型的小说,看着会有些晦涩走神,感觉sense of ending 更有味道wit一些 he said that there three preconditions for happiness-stupidity, selfishness and good health-and that he was only sure of possessing the second of these. The more eminent the writer, the more pronounced this vanity is likely to be.
"Normandy rain was falling, soft and dense", 不像雨水修饰城市,而是反之。全本由果生因,显示反意,"Crossing Channel"渡轮隐喻,消极的史观折叠宽阔的。探讨鹦鹉孰真,然后旁枝逸出:金字塔外、象牙塔内与外、潮湿诺曼底、文学批评、《哈扎尔辞典》、"Biography (with Ethics)", 流派的百纳被。"Soon society will...drown in nineteen centuries of shit. There’ll be quite a lot of shouting", 想起茶歇后的倒立。结局还是意在鹦鹉,虽然也不甘地彻悟了。个体的反意,不能冰释缺乏仁义的、历史的似是而非之声。
Julian Barnes的文笔真的是我的最爱,冷淡聪明又幽默,书中他自己的知识分子形象可以说是跃然纸上 (虽然他在书中讽刺了这样的作者🤣),他在书中提到的书和对它们的分析让我觉得自己没看过书 🤣 可以看出这本为什么被称为他最好的书,完美的后现代作品:通过对于福楼拜生和作品的思考,漫谈并且讽刺福楼拜,评论家,文学trend (句句属实🤣),现实主义 (现实主义其实也是高于生活的),甚至阅读本身 (阅读很多时候就是为了逃避现实吧,因为书中的世界那么清晰,但现实没人能告诉你怎么活);与narrator的故事相呼应:他是村医生,有出轨的妻子(完美对应《包法利夫人》🤣)人生的热爱就是福楼拜,因为自己的生活太messy;比《终结的感觉》好,但我更喜欢《终结》,那本更有偶尔流露出的动人的温情