书籍 The Remains of the Day的封面

The Remains of the Day

[英] 石黑一雄







The Remains of the Day is a profoundly compelling portrait of the perfect English butler and of his fading, insular world postwar England. At the end of his three decades of service at Darlington Hall, Stevens embarks on a country drive, during which he looks back over his career to reassure himself that he has served humanity by serving ;a great gentleman. ; But lurking in his memory are doubts about the true nature of Lord Darlington's ;greatness ; and graver doubts about his own faith in the man he served. A tragic, spiritual portrait of a perfect English butler and his reaction to his fading insular world in post-war England. A wonderful, wonderful book.

Kazuo Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1954 and moved to Britain at the age of five. He is the author of five novels, including The Remains of the Day, an international bestseller that won the Booker Prize and was adapted into an award-winning film. Ishiguro's work has been translated into twenty-eight languages. In 1995, he received an Order of the British Empire for s...


He seems to have no personality, no self, beyond the qualities neccessary for his position. This is because for Stevens, being a butler is not merely a job, it is the core of his identity. At the end of the book, however, he realizes that he has sacrificed his humanity in the name of duty and dignity.
A perfect novel.
2018.3.18 春假重看了the Remains of the Day,和年轻时读的感受完全不一样… 年轻的时候更感兴趣里面暗涌的政治、二战、民主。这次却看到了职业,选择,life calling,时代变迁与做人dignity… 很多人对职业的投入,也是赌上了自己的一生,而Stevens 特别悲壮的地方是他的主人亲纳粹,看不起庶民,他这一生似乎全部赌错。但是他能有别的选择吗?不一样的职业选择,这一生就更加fulfilling吗?Ms Kenten和他真的在一起会幸福吗?… 人的一生,是选择,还是天定?刚来美国时,觉得这里很夸张,孩子那么小就让他们读“名著“,他们能看懂吗?现在才意识到名著的魅力就在于仁者见山,智者见水,年轻人见热血,年长者见沧桑。什么年龄读都刚刚好。
One is too restrained, the other too sensitive. That's how their story came to an end without reaching expectation for either of them. The sorrowful undertone is equally restrained, lurking everywhere yet never giving you a chance to pour it out. I know pretty well how that happened. That's how life really is.
不知当讲不当讲但是,有关此书我能想出最准确的赞美莫过于:好一场漫长寸止。//写性格这么极端的角色而没写成刻板寓言,反而从数个角度雕琢之,包括时间语法和叙事速度——战前是在一切早已逝去并且不可逆转之后才开始的叙述,unduly retrospective,现时间线则发生得平缓、无知无觉,直到见她并心碎的此刻,几乎长如永恒。在多层自责自辩中还展现了复杂逻辑:不只是职业伦理、战后反思、民主思辨,更是普遍的存在问题,承认错误并想象另一种可能,即使它已不可能,与对主人/自身过去的死忠。一个绝对无涉的人终会如何深深地陷入这无涉之中(不似她信中自白,他的余生才是一片vast emptiness了)。但最后又有那暮光一样暧昧的码头结尾…可能是还活着的里写得最好的人?石黑一雄没有早泄。
读了两本福克纳之后 这本语言和词汇上的难度立马降下来 能让我专注于作品本身 感受的传递 流畅 朴实 深情 一开始觉得非常温暖 仔细思考又非常悲伤 但我要调整一下阅读时间 20min挪到醒来 白天下午学习后 晚上少读
和never let me go以及klara and the sun一样都是读着读着细思极恐/悲…作者真的很会非常自然、缓慢地build up情绪然后爆发…最后的结尾那么短但是又带来慰藉