书籍 The Beggar Maid的封面

The Beggar Maid

Alice Munro









"Whether Alice Munro's The Beggar Maid is a collection of stories or a new kind of novel I'm not quite sure, but whatever it is, it's wonderful. The psychological precision...is a delight, and the startling twists -- the unexpected leaps in time, the transformation of familiar characters -- they make the book what books ought to be, a little wild, a little mysterious." -- John Gardner In this exhilarating series of interweaving stories, Alice Munro re-creates the evolving bond -- one that is both constricting and empowering -- between two women in the coupe of almost forty years. One is Flo, practical, suspicious of other people's airs, at times dismayingly vulgar. The other is Rose, Flo's stepdaughter, a clumsy, shy girl who somehow-in spite of Flo's ridicule and ghastly warnings -- leaves the small town she grew up in to achieve her own equivocal success in the larger world. "The stories are absolutely wonderful-every word she writes is interesting." -- Alice Adams "The best stories of the year." -- The Nation

Couldn't wait to finish it. reread the "beggar maid" again and feel I shall read all of them again when I get time.
Working-class, discourse community, a story about home and diaspora and belonging. Focusing on the beggar maid, Rose, from her childhood to adolescent to college to marriage to divorce and child to late-love Simon to the returning. It is picturesque and nuanced, narrated in fragments of her long winding life. Recommend.
The elongated life of Rose is literally a groomy castle constructed in clusters of nebulous clouds, reappearing in a mortal way that seems a teacher displays the lantern slides, so that it’s either mysterious or devoid of anything that your own life indulging with. If you want to make clear your confusion, you’d better promote your spiritual level.
差点又看哭了 munro好狠 各种概念举重若轻 几个篇章勾勒出 一次次想逃离 我感觉我每次看门罗之前就完全懂故事走向 但还是折服
5 closest thing to a novel we will get from Munro, and she's exceptionally good as usual, actually even better than normal (for herself) 寫父權暴力的幽微/女孩和繼母之間的對抗和同盟/少女對學姐的崇拜/火車上危險的奇遇/年輕女孩的自戀和對愛的渴望/人妻出軌的心跳和懦弱/離婚後的自由和孤單和對單親育兒的內疚和厭煩/中年人的試探和自尊/和繼母若即若離的複雜情感和對衰老的恐懼/最後筆鋒一轉回到故鄉小鎮時光流逝殘留的痕跡。一本中長篇小說的篇幅,卻寫出半生史詩的盪氣迴腸,Munro冷靜的筆觸下是對人生和時間的非線性流動的解剖和重塑
最后一篇里面着墨不多的Ralph和Rose的故事breaks my heart (•̥́ˍ•̀ू)