书籍 Invisible Man的封面

Invisible Man

Ralph Ellison


Vintage Books







A milestone in American literature--a book that has continued to engage readers since its appearance in 1952. Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read. A first novel by an unknown writer, it remained on the bestseller list for sixteen weeks, won the National Book Award for fiction, and established Ralph Ellison as one of the key writers of the century. The nameless narrator of the novel describes growing up in a black community in the South, attending a Negro college from which he is expelled, moving to New York and becoming the chief spokesman of the Harlem branch of "the Brotherhood", and retreating amid violence and confusion to the basement lair of the Invisible Man he imagines himself to be. The book is a passionate and witty tour de force of style, strongly influenced by T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land, Joyce, and Dostoevsky.

Ralph Waldo Ellison (March 1, 1914[a] – April 16, 1994) was an American novelist, literary critic, and scholar. Ellison is best known for his novel Invisible Man, which won the National Book Award in 1953. He also wrote Shadow and Act (1964), a collection of political, social and critical essays, and Going to the Territory (1986). For The New York Times, the best of these essay...


For black history month!!! 他和小Emerson对话那部分太精彩了。值得思考的还有sybil
1952年出版,当时社会黑人的特有语言还有全书的主题跟背景,读原版免不了觉得晦涩,读完以后又在wiki上搜了一篇概述,好在对全书基本内容的理解偏差不大。故事流畅、完整,故事性强,大学精读课上学了第一章,然后就欲罢不能,在误打误撞读了一本科幻小说The Invisible Man以后,如愿以偿了。语言难度4颗星
看得有点累,基调比较压抑。除了种族歧视的话题以外,别的内涵和深意都表达得比较隐晦。话说还是看了H.G.Wells的Forecasting the Future后,才发现他居然和Ralph Ellison一样,都写了一本叫“Invisible Man”的书…醉了,差点傻傻分不清。
defused with audacious fumes; in the end the protagonist definitely felt cornered. Every human being was doomed to be alienated by the system, treated to be a token instead of men. This is why he went underground, freed himself from any kind of system in a hysterical way.
好难读的一本书,抽象和隐喻没全部都弄明白,但是可以借机了解美国黑人运动的历史。本来以为invisible主要说的是种族问题,结果看完之后发现似乎更多在批判兄弟会和个人在历史进程中的迷失。最喜欢主角去油漆厂打工做Optic White的隐喻。
很压抑沉重 bildungsroman书单