书籍 The Sovereign Individual的封面

The Sovereign Individual

James Dale Davidson


Free Press







Two renowned investment advisors and authors of the bestseller The Great Reckoning bring to light both currents of disaster and the potential for prosperity and renewal in the face of radical changes in human history as we move into the next century. The Sovereign Individual details strategies necessary for adapting financially to the next phase of Western civilization.

Few observers of the late twentieth century have their fingers so presciently on the pulse of the global political and economic realignment ushering in the new millennium as do James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg. Their bold prediction of disaster on Wall Street in Blood in the Streets was borne out by Black Tuesday. In their ensuing bestsellar, The Great Reckoning, published just weeks before the coup attempt against Gorbachev, they analyzed the pending collapse of the Soviet Union and foretold the civil war in Yugoslavia and other events that have proved to be among the most searing developments of the past few years.

In The Sovereign Individual, Davidson and Rees-Mogg explore the greatest economic and political transition in centuries -- the shift from an industrial to an information-based society. This transition, which they have termed "the fourth stage of human society," will liberate individuals as never before, irrevocably altering the power of government. This outstanding book will replace false hopes and fictions with new understanding and clarified values.

四星给略带冗长内容,一星给竟然是上个世纪写的…20年后的今天这些概念终于有了实施的技术基础,字里行间藏着几个字母Bitcoin… Crypto熊市必读
可能是这个时代最重要的几本书之一,使用暴力回报递减作为主要分析框架。关于软件业和Crypto的描述我很赞同,但是制造业/机械等行业信息化程度暂不了解。描述了一个非常宏大的picture:) 在这个picture里SuperPower和Dictatorship将趋向于消失
本书主要讨论暴力回报率的变化对政治的影响,也就是作者所谓的“大政治分析”。整本书并不难懂,就是有些地方太过啰嗦。 影响暴力回报率的四个主要因素有地理、气候、微生物和技术。最有意思的是书中很多事都已经成了现实,包括在全球传播的疾病、民族主义的泛滥以及最近元宇宙的大火等等。
如果说 2020 年只推荐一本书,我就会推荐这一本。 在 1999 年就对未来的信息时代做了预测,去中心化货币也成功预言。 活在自己的世界中很难发现整个世界的变化,这本书能从其他角度去看待整个世界和变化。(尽管读起来有点碎片化,挺难读的) 不过并不推荐所有人读。等有缘人吧。