书籍 Negara的封面


Clifford Geertz







Combining great learning, interpretative originality, analytical sensitivity, and a charismatic prose style, Clifford Geertz has produced a lasting body of work with influence throughout the humanities and social sciences, and remains the foremost anthropologist in America. His 1980 book "Negara" analyzed the social organization of Bali before it was colonized by the Dutch in 1906. Here Geertz applied his widely influential method of cultural interpretation to the myths, ceremonies, rituals, and symbols of a precolonial state. He found that the nineteenth-century Balinese state defied easy conceptualization by the familiar models of political theory and the standard Western approaches to understanding politics. Negara means "country" or "seat of political authority" in Indonesian.In Bali Geertz found negara to be a "theatre state," governed by rituals and symbols rather than by force. The Balinese state did not specialize in tyranny, conquest, or effective administration. Instead, it emphasized spectacle. The elaborate ceremonies and productions the state created were "not means to political ends: they were the ends themselves, they were what the state was for...Power served pomp, not pomp power. " Geertz argued more forcefully in Negara than in any of his other books for the fundamental importance of the culture of politics to a society. Much of Geertz's previous work - including his world-famous essay on the Balinese cockfight - can be seen as leading up to the full portrait of the "poetics of power" that Negara so vividly depicts.

Combining great learning, interpretative originality, analytical sensitivity, and a charismatic prose style, Clifford Geertz has produced a lasting body of work with influence throughout the humanities and social sciences, and remains the foremost anthropologist in America. His 1980 book Negara analyzed the social organization of Bali before it was colonized by the Dutch in 190...


A book almost makes me crazy
chapt 1,2,4
period approach&developmental approach、作为东南亚星系政治模式的尼加拉和西方政治学理论形成的观照; 依然疑惑的点有关阐释人类学的理论核心、有关对符号(仪式)的关注在人类学中是否已经随着殖民时代的过去而过时(包括应用剧场国家解释北韩是否合理)、有关仪式功能。以及,仪典是否暗示着一种指示性关系,如果是,那它的“所指”是什么?
评分这么低。。说不好读的,试着读桑高仁, Rebecca Karl的东西再来看,吉尔茨简直是业界良心,条理清晰,观点分明,句子复杂文雅但逻辑清楚,不乱引,不乱喷,这才是真大神。