书籍 Not Born Yesterday的封面

Not Born Yesterday

Hugo Mercier







Not Born Yesterday explains how we decide who we can trust and what we should believe—and argues that we’re pretty good at making these decisions. In this lively and provocative book, Hugo Mercier demonstrates how virtually all attempts at mass persuasion—whether by religious leaders, politicians, or advertisers—fail miserably. Drawing on recent findings from political science and other fields ranging from history to anthropology, Mercier shows that the narrative of widespread gullibility, in which a credulous public is easily misled by demagogues and charlatans, is simply wrong.

Why is mass persuasion so difficult? Mercier uses the latest findings from experimental psychology to show how each of us is endowed with sophisticated cognitive mechanisms of open vigilance. Computing a variety of cues, these mechanisms enable us to be on guard against harmful beliefs, while being open enough to change our minds when presented with the right evidence. Even failures—when we accept false confessions, spread wild rumors, or fall for quack medicine—are better explained as bugs in otherwise well-functioning cognitive mechanisms than as symptoms of general gullibility.

Not Born Yesterday shows how we filter the flow of information that surrounds us, argues that we do it well, and explains how we can do it better still.

Hugo Mercier is a cognitive scientist at the Jean Nicod Institute in Paris and the coauthor of The Enigma of Reason. He lives in Nantes, France. Twitter @hugoreasoning

你当我好骗吗 当你觉得一群人很愚蠢的时候,有时候是人群在理性互动,有时候是人群和权威在互动,有时候是一个荒诞但是合理的局,有时候是大家在收发信号……绝不是一句“人们都很愚蠢”就全能解释的。
作者认为人们会保持open vigilance,从而对事物保持两种态度,一种是姑且相信,第二种是确实的相信,而是否相信是从是否服从自我利益出发,好像并不是乌合之众一样。要我说,乌合之众还是乌合之众,管它如何相信是否确实相信,可他们的行动确一直都是跟随短期利益,缺乏思考和验证,思考的懒惰。 我最近也很懒惰,缺乏对疫情后,市场逻辑是否深刻变化的思考与验证,想当然希望世界如常,符合我的利益。
整本书读完,才明白作者拟定的书名的深意,Not Born Yesterday 个人认知精进的必读书目,获得了大众心理的上帝视角,从今往后,任何时候任何场合,任何人谈起人群非理智人群乌合之众时,内心收获独特的淡定与超然,知道当前科学最新理解,人群的大部分,没那么好骗。
7.5/10. Trust in information source as an evolutionary equilibrium.
传统观点:学术界近年来一直在说,普通老百姓都是很容易被欺骗的,你可以随便忽悠他们,人群是愚蠢的,都是“乌合之众”。 本书观点:这些说法都是错的。不是人们愚蠢到真的相信了什么东西,而是他们认为这样做对自己有利。人们“相信”,是一种策略性的选择。