书籍 The Code of Capital的封面

The Code of Capital

Katharina Pistor







A compelling explanation of how the law shapes the distribution of wealth

Capital is the defining feature of modern economies, yet most people have no idea where it actually comes from. What is it, exactly, that transforms mere wealth into an asset that automatically creates more wealth? The Code of Capital explains how capital is created behind closed doors in the offices of private attorneys, and why this little-known fact is one of the biggest reasons for the widening wealth gap between the holders of capital and everybody else.

In this revealing book, Katharina Pistor argues that the law selectively “codesâ€� certain assets, endowing them with the capacity to protect and produce private wealth. With the right legal coding, any object, claim, or idea can be turned into capitalâ€"and lawyers are the keepers of the code. Pistor describes how they pick and choose among different legal systems and legal devices for the ones that best serve their clients’ needs, and how techniques that were first perfected centuries ago to code landholdings as capital are being used today to code stocks, bonds, ideas, and even expectationsâ€"assets that exist only in law.

A powerful new way of thinking about one of the most pernicious problems of our time, The Code of Capital explores the different ways that debt, complex financial products, and other assets are coded to give financial advantage to their holders. This provocative book paints a troubling portrait of the pervasive global nature of the code, the people who shape it, and the governments that enforce it.

Katharina Pistor is the Edwin B. Parker Professor of Comparative Law and director of the Center on Global Legal Transformation at Columbia Law School. She is the coauthor of Law and Capitalism: What Corporate Crises Reveal about Legal Systems and Economic Development around the World and the coeditor of Governing Access to Essential Resources. She lives in New York City.

题目很好,切入点也具有吸引力,即作者开篇便提出自己与传统左派的区别在于关注律师在the codification of capital中的作用,而非assets holders。但为什么全书完全写成了一本极为浅显与泛泛而谈的教科书形式?大杂烩式的讨论历史,对社会事实的讨论未超出一般新闻媒体,最为重要的律师部分,也并没有做任何深入的调查与田野工作,而仅仅只是一种想象。越读越失望。
近乎读完,部分能容非常干燥,但也无法掩饰这本书的光彩。作者基本观点为:Capital is assets coded by law。资本的性质包括 - priority, convertibility, durability, universality。作者给出了大量实例以及历史来证明这些性质和观点,同时指出律师在资本世界的地位。每每读到一些和工作相关的实例,都超级兴奋且不禁想要膜拜!学习不止不止不止,还要努力努力努力!
作者一上来的private-public binary就决定整本书的scope其实很窄,其实就是想说law对private sphere的各种coding(i.e. 法律如何最大程度帮助富人钻法律的空子)有国家强有力的背书。后面lawyer那章很空洞,完全没解释这帮lawyer到底从哪来的,对common law, court, code的源头也缺乏解释,很多问题都高高举起轻轻放下。最费解的是为什么这种大佬能对Polanyi有这么大的误读,与经济学的对话还停留在单纯批判neoclassical的程度……
资本的变现少不了法律的参与,利用法律条款规定权限义务,从圈地运动到圈知识产权,从债务纠纷到破产逃脱。资本与法律是相辅相成的,未来的法律战场更多的是在于知识产权领域,从有型资产到无形资产。当然这部分是适用于西方资本主义社会,对于我们是有一定局限性的。我们的资本变现更多是来源于权利和不可说,结合费孝通等一些社科类研究不难发现,我们社会的变现和资本累积不是法律而人情,在法律的制定上依旧疏散,陈旧,以及loophole, 但由于金融监管政策的严格,和限制外资流入,真正的“资本”运作市场依旧在建设中。