书籍 Brotopia的封面


Emily Chang







Silicon Valley is a modern utopia where anyone can change the world. Unless you're a woman.

For women in tech, Silicon Valley is not a fantasyland of unicorns, virtual reality rainbows, and 3D-printed lollipops, where millions of dollars grow on trees. It's a "Brotopia," where men hold all the cards and make all the rules. Vastly outnumbered, women face toxic workplaces rife with discrimination and sexual harassment, where investors take meetings in hot tubs and colleagues network over lunch at the local strip club.

In this powerful exposé, Bloomberg TV journalist Emily Chang reveals how Silicon Valley got so sexist despite its utopian ideals, why bro culture endures despite decades of companies claiming the moral high ground (Don't Be Evil! Connect the World!)--and how women are finally starting to speak out and fight back.

Drawing on her deep network of Silicon Valley insiders, Chang opens the boardroom doors of male-dominated venture capital firms like Kleiner Perkins, the subject of Ellen Pao's high-profile gender discrimination lawsuit, and Sequoia, where a partner once famously said they "won't lower their standards" just to hire women. Interviews with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, and former Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer--who got their start at Google, where just one in five engineers is a woman--reveal just how hard it is to crack the Silicon Ceiling. And Chang shows how women such as former Uber engineer Susan Fowler, entrepreneur Niniane Wang, and game developer Brianna Wu, have risked their careers and sometimes their lives to pave a way for other women.

Silicon Valley's aggressive, misogynistic, work-at-all costs culture has shut women out of the greatest wealth creation in the history of the world. It's time to break up the boys' club. Emily Chang shows us how to fix this toxic culture--to bring down Brotopia, once and for all.

[有声书] 台湾裔夏威夷籍女记者/作家/电视直播结合各种事例来论证女性在科技领域发展过程中受到的歧视。整个行业看起来对女性和其他minority实在是太不友好了。Goodreads上的高分评论主要认为内容不够深,对问题的解决起不到推动作用,还有指出某一章讲硅谷sex party的部分失真,我估计应该是有各样的parties吧 >< 亮点是很多选取的故事,从从业人员到下一代的女性(如学编程的高中生),都来自于亚裔。因为是听的有声书,所以不很确定,但有Fan啊Choi啊Wong啊等等姓氏的女性角色,好奇是因为作者背景还是这个行业确实亚洲女性角色比例不低。
作者是bloomberg technology主持人,可以说硅谷里有头有脸的人都采访过,所以书里有不少八卦。然而严肃的内容都是女性以及少数族裔等在职场上遇到的种种歧视,看着颇有些悲凉。几次提到Sandberg,说她情商极高,脸书有今天的成就她功高至伟
I couldn't say that the many horrific incidents disclosed are surprising. Honestly, I'm part of this toxic culture. A wake-up call to stay aware and take actions against it.
听到最后一章竟然有点misty eyes...想到我大学时候的CS 教授 爱搞笑的白人爷爷 几十年教学生涯 每个学期招undergraduate tutor的时候都要亲自过目男女比例 会go out of his way to hire more female tutors. 在他手下三年 他像一个sponsor 一直推动我们前进 不仅push我们找实习 也会利用在科技公司的人脉给我们拉来内推面试机会. tutor带来的人脉和机会 给我的职业发展带来了决定性的影响. 教授在硅谷桃李天下 其中有不少成功的女性leader当年都受到过他的推动. Diversity问题一向很复杂 很难短期内解决 可是作为个人 也许有时候你多一点坚持 就能有很大的ripple effect…
Issues regarding women in tech have 2 fundamental themes: diversity and sex. Diversity is about people, and our relationship with technology; sex is about power, and its imbalance in this patriarchal industry pioneered by men. Emily Chang用多年媒体从业积累的素材和渠道, 围绕这两个主题整理了一手的perspective. 看到有评论说书里没有讨论起因和解决办法. That's not the point. Perspectives are powerful.