书籍 Know My Name的封面

Know My Name

Chanel Miller












She was known to the world as Emily Doe when she stunned millions with a letter. Brock Turner had been sentenced to just six months in county jail after he was found sexually assaulting her on Stanford's campus. Her victim impact statement was posted on BuzzFeed, where it instantly went viral--viewed by eleven million people within four days, it was translated globally and read on the floor of Congress; it inspired changes in California law and the recall of the judge in the case. Thousands wrote to say that she had given them the courage to share their own experiences of assault for the first time.

Now she reclaims her identity to tell her story of trauma, transcendence, and the power of words. It was the perfect case, in many ways--there were eyewitnesses, Turner ran away, physical evidence was immediately secured. But her struggles with isolation and shame during the aftermath and the trial reveal the oppression victims face in even the best-case scenarios. Her story illuminates a culture biased to protect perpetrators, indicts a criminal justice system designed to fail the most vulnerable, and, ultimately, shines with the courage required to move through suffering and live a full and beautiful life.

Know My Name will forever transform the way we think about sexual assault, challenging our beliefs about what is acceptable and speaking truth to the tumultuous reality of healing. It also introduces readers to an extraordinary writer, one whose words have already changed our world. Entwining pain, resilience, and humor, this memoir will stand as a modern classic.

So proud of Chanel. Of Emily Doe. She's courageous, full of power, and unapologetically talented.
不得不感慨她的文笔是真好,把你拉进一个女孩收到创伤之后生活的方方面面。姑娘是一个生活在现代的,出生成长于我们传统认知中的(至少对于平等权益认知方面)灯塔国中的灯塔州的灯塔城市的人。受过高等教育,有着父母关怀,男友恩爱,姊妹情深。她的母亲年轻时候就在中国90年代先锋的纪录片里出现,她自己是文学专业的,以及后来还有做standup的训练和经历。对她的侵犯被正义的路人阻止不说,嫌犯Brock Turner还被抓了个现行,所以身份正当的路人(斯坦福的欧洲graduate学生)警察法医护士一众人等全部都可以毫无含糊地给她作证。以上,若说她被侵犯之后的际遇,是所有收到过侵犯的女性里面最最和善和优越的了,我觉得丝毫不夸张。看完全书,假设这已经是最好的版本了,那剩下的女性,想想她们,会不会让你不寒而栗。
she's the 林yihan who survived, prevailed and revenged. "let him walk away? I can't let it happen." beautiful and powerful writing and esp. love the slapping faces of Stanford, Kavanaugh, Lindsay Graham and the (gross) like. (also the way she describes her mom speaking English and messaging her temples. First time I liked an ABC's writing).
法官和辩方律师都是伯克利法学院毕业的,本科也都是常春藤(和犯人接近),而控方律师是在名不见经传的法学院读的书,很年轻,还是伊朗移民后裔... You can't make this shit up. (Everything else aside, if I could ever write so beautifully and thoughtfully about my own adventures, I’d be so so happy.)
Never, never judge or jump to conclusion if you don't know the whole story, especially when you can not relate. Different people experience completely different things, and you can't and shouldn't use your experience to make sense of their stories.