书籍 Unconventional Success的封面

Unconventional Success

David F. Swensen


Free Press










Swensen, CIO of Yale University and the author of Pioneering Portfolio Management, reveals why the mutual fund industry as a whole does a disservice to the individual investor. Soft money, 12b-1 fees, overtrading, market timing, and other management practices lower performance and virtually guarantee that most mutual fund returns will fall short of their benchmark, such as the S&P 500. Furthermore, for-profit mutual fund companies have a fiduciary obligation to their stockholders, not to their investors, and this relationship "inevitably resolves in favor of the bottom line." Swensen is also highly critical of the Morningstar rating system, which only causes investors to chase hot performing funds and managers. He advises considering alternatives to the for-profit mutual fund industry, including Exchange Traded Funds and not-for-profit financial institutions such as Vanguard and TIAA-CREF. He highly recommends that as an individual, you should play a more active role in your financial future. This includes periodic portfolio evaluation and rebalancing, to ensure that your asset allocation remains diversified and suits your investment time line. David Siegfried

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"This is not only investing made easy, it's investing made smart."

"Mutual fund managers and marketers are not going to like David Swensen's thoughtful and intelligently opinionated analysis of their 'colossal failure' resulting from the fund industry's 'systemic exploitation of investors.' Coming from the mind and heart of one of America's most successful and integrity-laden money managers, this is a book that will change the way you think about mutual funds. It's high time for you to follow the elegantly simple advice he presents in this wonderful book."

-- John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO, The Vanguard Group

"Swensen is the best. Always a pioneer, his new book presents an approach to investing that is both brilliant and practical."

-- Barton Biggs, former Chief Global Strategist, Morgan Stanley

"A legendary institutional investor reveals the conflicts of interest that induce most financial services companies to provide inadequate products for the individual investor. Swensen's wise solution: Low cost, tax efficient, market-mimicking funds available either through Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) or from not-for-profit mutual fund companies. Unconventional Success does for the individual investor what Swensen's Pioneering Portfolio Management did for the institutional investor."

-- Burton G. Malkiel, author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street

"David Swensen is one of today's best endowment managers, if not the best. Unconventional Success is a perfect summary of what is wrong with a very important industry. This book should lead the reader to better investment decisions."

-- Michael F. Price, Managing Partner, MFP Investors

"Unfortunately, at the bottom of our industry -- money management -- there is a rather thick layer of muck, and Swensen's Unconventional Success rakes through this muck in spectacular fashion and great detail. It is the truth, the whole truth, and the very ugly truth. If you want to avoid the snares that lurk in money management, and save yourself lots of money, you must read it."

-- Jeremy Grantham, Chairman of GMO

there is asset allocation ratio at the begnning
大师谢幕RIP。想到凯恩斯说,“Worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for reputation to fail conventional than to succeed unconventional.” update:想了解大师思想看看他的讲座得了…
全书废话极多,主要观点就这么多: 三种盈利手段:资产配置、择时、择股 资产配置三原则:偏股、分散化、避税 再平衡 剩下的都是在论证这些的合理性
说白就是两句话 1. 不要从众、人d恐惧我进场——这个刚开始奉之圭臬仔细遵守、赚到点儿钱就容易忘了、立马变得急功近利去追涨杀跌;2. 买指数基金不要把自己钱交给利益不完全相符的主动基金吹b人士。差不多就系甘两样。耶鲁基金也就是这样的大原则、再加一些精细化的操作,也没落到“择时”这种假快感但长期无增益的方向上。
有期待一本横扫千军万马的,可以绕过这本继续找。 老生常谈不假,但历尽沧桑归来还是老生常谈,那就是假不了😁 期望Swensen聊机构的那本,和此本有所变化,不要再让我复习一遍了👀