书籍 Kissinger的封面


Walter Isaacson








By the time Henry Kissinger was made secretary of state in 1973, he had become, according to the Gallup Poll, the most admired person in America and one of the most unlikely celebrities ever to capture the world's imagination. Yet Kissinger was also reviled by large segments of the American public, ranging from liberal intellectuals to conservative activists. Kissinger explores the relationship between this complex man's personality and the foreign policy he pursued. Drawing on extensive interviews with Kissinger as well as 150 other sources, including U.S. presidents and his business clients, this first full-length biography makes use of many of Kissinger's private papers and classified memos to tell his uniquely American story. The result is an intimate narrative, filled with surprising revelations, that takes this grandly colorful statesman from his childhood as a persecuted Jew in Nazi Germany, through his tortured relationship with Richard Nixon, to his later years as a globe-trotting business consultant.


Those with true responsibility for peace; unlike those on the sidelines, cannot afford pure idealism. They must have the courage to deal with ambiguities and accommodations, to realize that great goals can be achieved only in imperfect steps. No side has a monopoly on morality.
Masterpiece about the polititian who shaped the later cold war. Detailed analysis of his experience, character, behavior, and legacy.
这本传记作品是《乔布斯传》的作者、原《NEWSWEEK》的总编辑,把基辛格写得非常立体化,充满故事和人情味。在他的笔下,基辛格聪明绝顶,但有时被聪明耽误;内心非常要强,那种移民刚来美国希望得到认同和接纳的心理一直影响着基辛格的言行与决断,但这种要强有时候又会害了自己,正如书中那句话说的“ANTAGONISM MADE WHEN ON HIGH CAN LATER COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU"——汉语就是”身居高位是的作有时会在后来的生活着为难你;基辛格在书中还是个多愁善感的吃货,在访问中国时爱上了中国食物,在去克林姆林宫谈判时喜欢一边吃一边说,因为这样基辛格夫人在他得病后严格限制他的饮食,多愁善感上,基辛格在水门事件后与尼克松一起在百通哭的死去活来的,不要不要的。
作者是美国著名的传记作家Walter Issacson,写过《达芬奇传》《乔布斯传》等等。基辛格是现在仍在在世的那个时代的传奇人物,见证并且参与促成了中美建交等等一系列的重大事件。他本人也对中国很有研究,通过这本书,可以看到他是怎样的人。