书籍 The Will to Change的封面

The Will to Change

bell hooks







Everyone needs to love and be loved -- even men. But to know love, men must be able to look at the ways that patriarchal culture keeps them from knowing themselves, from being in touch with their feelings, from loving. In The Will to Change, bell hooks gets to the heart of the matter and shows men how to express the emotions that are a fundamental part of who they are -- whatever their age, marital status, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. With trademark candor and fierce intelligence, hooks addresses the most common concerns of men, such as fear of intimacy and loss of their patriarchal place in society, in new and challenging ways. She believes men can find the way to spiritual unity by getting back in touch with the emotionally open part of themselves -- and lay claim to the rich and rewarding inner lives that have historically been the exclusive province of women. A brave and astonishing work, The Will to Change is designed to help men reclaim the best part of themselves.

Many women are culpable for perpetuating poisoning self-mutilating patriarchal thinking, by either fantasising/believing in the dominator role enjoyed by males or running away when enlightened males open their hearts and embrace the will to change.
挖掘父权制度下男性的情感缺失,对应的替代品如权利与性。父权下的女性也未必就对自己的情感/情绪真诚。 有时让人心生愧疚:支持的是性自由还是父权下的性;追求的是女性的权利还是power(女性变强大就代表是行动上的feminist吗)…… 但遗憾大众媒体很少传播女权,女权只存在书籍中、存在某些精英圈子中(lower class的人忙于生计,连patriarchy这个词都是某些阶层才会频繁使用的)。父权世界的男性甚至很少阅读女权相关书籍,即便是种标榜。 爱的能力很稀罕。替代品实在太多。
主要讲了男性如何在父权制社会丧失爱的能力以及如何治愈和改变、学会建立联系和亲密关系的问题。写得好好啊,有被作者打动,莫名觉得作者应该是个很善良的人。甚至有种让我们携起手来共创美好明天的热血感(bu shi)。不过吧,还是有点想吐槽,作者一方面说女性拒绝聆听男性的痛苦不好,一方面又说看破男性虚假面具的女性最容易遭受暴力,那到底要怎么样啊喂。 说真的,最后一章击中我了,当我们习惯于网上说不必在乎男人一个人也可以生活的很好的时候,其实我们是在用父权制创伤男性的方式一样封闭自己的感受,为了使自己成为支配者而不是被支配者,我们断绝建立联系的渴望,切断爱的感受。关起门来,回避痛苦。这不就是说我们居然在用父权制对待男性的方式对待我们自己还引以为傲吗,值得好好想想啊。
反思父權制 thinking humanhood中,all my life I've seen my parents get stuck in these 父權制 social norms/gender roles.I see myself thinking oh this is all their is to them,totally disregarding the work and effort they put into 我/佢哋自己/貓們. I ignore their way of showing love,I am bell hooks in her 20s. Have empathy and embrace the will to change #純正東亞媽的多元宇宙家庭是吧
This book talks about men, masculinity, and men’s relationships to masculinity, particularly black men. Didn’t learn much new, gave up after 2/3 thru.