书籍 Much Ado About Nothing的封面

Much Ado About Nothing

William Shakespeare








Folger Shakespeare Library The world's leading center for Shakespeare studies Each edition includes: Freshly edited text based on the best earlyprinted version of the play Full explanatory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play Scene-by-scene plot summaries A key to famous lines and phrases An introduction to reading Shakespeare's language An essay by an outstanding scholar providing a modern perspective on the play Illustrations from the Folger Shakespeare Library's vast holdings of rare books Essay by Gail Kern Paster The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., is home to the world's largest collection of Shakespeare's printed works, and a magnet for Shakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open to the public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performances and programs.

“But I beseech your grace pardon me, I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.” Oh lady Beatrice, fierce and fun, instantly my favorite Shakespearean strong female lead.
我最喜欢的莎翁剧作(所有理智碰到这个剧改编的各种版本就淡定不能)BBC classic radio theatre的版本各种星光闪耀:DT, Emilia Fox, Maxine Peake, JRT etc....
Shakespeare on the Common 2022
Beatrice and Benedick :D
好好看!看得我时而笑到打滚,时而恨到咬手帕!除了词句可以反复咀嚼,莎翁的作品就是有很多layers和ambiguities永远有新的角度可以去阐释,也因此永远不会过时。从H&C 的角度就是日光之下无新事女性的贞洁到今天还是会被拿出来做文章还真是much ado about nothing🙄从B&B的角度看完全就是一出我最爱的screwball comedy🥰BTW. 太喜欢Beatrice了!!
分享一个hot知识,much ado about nothing 里的 nothing 在维多利亚时代一语双关,另一层意思即 vagina. 因为在左腿的右边和右腿的左边只有黑森林,但是no thing, 所以就用nothing 代指 vagina. 此剧无事生非,就是争来争去都是在为一个贞洁问题,可见这年头还愿意讨论贞洁的男人连莎翁都会觉得你丫太老套了,不如回明朝过日子。