书籍 Secrets of Sand Hill Road的封面

Secrets of Sand Hill Road

Scott Kupor








Learn how top VC investors really thinkEvery startup needs capital, and ambitious startups seek it on Sand Hill Road – Silicon Valley’s dream street for entrepreneurs. The most ambitious crave a meeting with Scott Kupor, managing partner of Andreessen Horowitz, the most successful venture capital firm in the world, who funded companies like Airbnb, Pinterest, and Slack.Now Kupor is opening the black box with an unprecedented look at how he and other VCs really think, packed with concrete advice for all stages of securing venture capital. Discover who really gets a pitch meeting and who doesn't, why establishing market opportunity is the most important threshold to gaining a VC's trust, why entrepreneurs with great storytelling skills have higher success rates, and learn why common mistakes in your pitch – like skipping over product plans –make all the difference for investors.With insider stories and practical takeaways, this book contains everything you ever wanted to know about venture capital. Whether you want to raise capital directly, work better with your investors, or simply keep up with the startup landscape, this is a must-read for every modern entrepreneur.

看完后第一收获:做创业公司的员工太不值了。。大部分条例都是偏向VC和founder. 此处不仅对于创业者很有科普价值,对于创业公司的员工也有很好的参考意义来帮助他们更好地理解自己手中option的真实价值
有一个当年来美国第二天就认识的, 同一届的哥们儿去当VC了 感觉国产VC跟白人VC还是很不一样的 = =
Very practical book, covers a lot of potential legal and financial issues a startup founder could encounter.
An insider's viewpoint that covers almost all major aspects of VCs and startups
VC 基础书籍
前2/3入门科普不错 除了exit后面两章讲纠纷保护vc的略无聊 暴露了围着💰的本质 作者的行文逻辑💯 用词也非常专业 0幽默感0笑点 上班狗写doc的文风 😌