书籍 Neverwhere的封面


Neil Gaiman







Under the streets of London there's a world most people could never even dream of - a city of monsters and saints, murderers and angels, and pale girls in black velvet. Richard Mayhew is a young businessman who is about to find out more than he bargained for about this other London. A single act of kindness catapults him out of his safe and predictable life and into a world that is at once eerily familiar and yet utterly bizarre. There's a girl named Door, an Angel called Islington, an Earl who holds Court on the carriage of a Tube train, a Beast in a labyrinth, and dangers and delights beyond imagining...And Richard, who only wants to go home, is to find a strange destiny waiting for him below the streets of his native city. This title includes extra material exclusive to Headline Review's edition.

I make things up and write them down. Which takes us from comics (like SANDMAN) to novels (like ANANSI BOYS and AMERICAN GODS) to short stories (some are collected in SMOKE AND MIRRORS) and to occasionally movies (like Dave McKean's MIRRORMASK or the NEVERWHERE TV series, or my own short film A SHORT FILM ABOUT JOHN BOLTON).

In my spare time I read and sleep and eat and try to ...


广播剧。cliche yet charming.
Plot is okay-ish, I guess that's the same problem with all Gaiman stories, the settings, however, are quite novel and intriguing. There is an Earl at Earl's Count, an Angel Islington, real Black Friars, and oh my how I like the Old Bailey! But this could only happen in London tho, because London has a heart big enough for all things eccentric.
love the way Gaiman tell the story~~ the book is weigh more interesting than the film, providing more imagination
简直不能更爱地下伦敦以及天使Islington与亚特兰蒂斯沉没的背景设定 gay曼的异世界架构能力足与马丁大神搅基
很好看!手不释卷看完了。Neil Gaiman的想象力真玄妙!伦敦的地下和伦敦的历史都那么有趣!
London below这个背景设定挺好,就是人物刻画有点弱,我不懂richard为啥义无返顾跟door走,也没看出来他那里changed,但是所有non-fiction的部分都挺有创造力的。400页的小说也是够长了。
这本真的好精彩,最喜欢的角色是Hunter和侯爵。而且很好磕,Serpentine/ Hunter,反派杀手那对,侯爵他哥/侯爵,都磕死我了。