书籍 Stories of Your Life and Others的封面

Stories of Your Life and Others

Ted Chiang


Orb Books







Ted Chiang's first published story, "Tower of Babylon," won the Nebula Award in 1990. Subsequent stories have won the Asimov's SF Magazine reader poll, a second Nebula Award, the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, and the Sidewise Award for alternate history. He won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 1992. Story for story, he is the most honored young writer in modern SF.

Now, collected here for the first time are all seven of this extraordinary writer's stories so far-plus an eighth story written especially for this volume.

What if men built a tower from Earth to Heaven-and broke through to Heaven's other side? What if we discovered that the fundamentals of mathematics were arbitrary and inconsistent? What if there were a science of naming things that calls life into being from inanimate matter? What if exposure to an alien language forever changed our perception of time? What if all the beliefs of fundamentalist Christianity were literally true, and the sight of sinners being swallowed into fiery pits were a routine event on city streets? These are the kinds of outrageous questions posed by the stories of Ted Chiang. Stories of your life . . . and others.

Ted Chiang is an American speculative fiction writer. His Chinese name is Chiang Feng-nan. He graduated from Brown University with a Computer Science degree. He currently works as a technical writer in the software industry and resides in Bellevue, near Seattle, Washington. He is a graduate of the noted Clarion Writers Workshop (1989).

Although not a prolific author, having pub...


The best SF collection. Each story is a miracle
En 3rd. 看到30%时,第二人称的叙述方式和书名突然间让我想到,这个 you 不会是地球人和外星人结合的产物吧。看到最后发现自己想多了。之前有很多人推荐这本书,看完之后觉得有点失望,故事没头没尾的。
如果能把每个短篇单独打分会更好。读完后比较喜欢的是巴别塔、Understand、你一生的故事、A Documentary以及Merchant & Alchemist's Gate
花一天路上时间听完了story of your life一篇 书比电影人物塑造更加立体 母女关系更加深刻 让我意外的是 不光语言学概念更深入 还带了一些富有哲学色彩的物理概念 还挺有意思的 这么回看 觉得编剧拿一些篇幅去讲政治 舍去了一些母女关系和女主人物上的塑造 只能用音乐, narration 和montage 去塑造氛围,对我来说有点可惜,因为书中塑造的louise 我真是太喜欢了(但看电影就已经很喜欢了)电影媒介 也舍弃了学术讨论和louise到底如何看到未来的逻辑。唯一遗憾就是文字不够优美,结尾和开头总觉得稍差点意思,可以更poetic一些,毕竟是一个很intimate的故事。这点电影更powerful. 但是两者也算是相辅相成 电影营造氛围 书填补细节。作为观众很幸福,要再听几遍
一方面可以说是别开生面的“科幻”风格;另一方面也可以说是四不像。读到Hell is the Absence of God时感到尤其乏味。