书籍 Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words的封面

Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words

Bill Bryson







One of the English language’s most skilled and beloved writers guides us all toward precise, mistake-free usage.

As usual Bill Bryson says it best: “English is a dazzlingly idiosyncratic tongue, full of quirks and irregularities that often seem willfully at odds with logic and common sense. This is a language where ‘cleave’ can mean to cut in half or to hold two halves together; where the simple word ‘set’ has 126 different meanings as a verb, 58 as a noun, and 10 as a participial adjective; where if you can run fast you are moving swiftly, but if you are stuck fast you are not moving at all; [and] where ‘colonel,’ ‘freight,’ ‘once,’ and ‘ache’ are strikingly at odds with their spellings.” As a copy editor for the London Times in the early 1980s, Bill Bryson felt keenly the lack of an easy-to-consult, authoritative guide to avoiding the traps and snares in English, and so he brashly suggested to a publisher that he should write one. Surprisingly, the proposition was accepted, and for “a sum of money carefully gauged not to cause embarrassment or feelings of overworth,” he proceeded to write that book–his first, inaugurating his stellar career.

Now, a decade and a half later, revised, updated, and thoroughly (but not overly) Americanized, it has become Bryson’s Dictionary of Troublesome Words , more than ever an essential guide to the wonderfully disordered thing that is the English language. With some one thousand entries, from “a, an” to “zoom,” that feature real-world examples of questionable usage from an international array of publications, and with a helpful glossary and guide to pronunciation, this precise, prescriptive, and–because it is written by Bill Bryson–often witty book belongs on the desk of every person who cares enough about the language not to maul or misuse or distort it.

From the Hardcover edition.


bill bryson得五星不需要解释。最有趣的英文现代作家,没有之一。这也侧面说明了他对英文掌握程度。看他的字典没错啦。
如果真的像作者说的,英语缺乏一种统一的学院式标准,而只是遵循传统与习惯的话(怎么搞得跟英国的不成文宪法一样……),那不就没有语法学家的用武之地了么,也不存在unacceptable了,至多是not accepted yet……
回答了好多我的疑问,but should be taken with a pinch of salt,作者的个人喜好挺明显,有些表达只是语言现象却被说得一无是处,还很让人无语地以拉丁语为标准“矫正”英语,按他的一些看法,现代汉语不知道会变得多么不堪入目。。。。