书籍 The Story of an Hour的封面

The Story of an Hour

Kate Chopin







“Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death.” American short-story writer Kate Chopin’s tale “The Story of an Hour” was first published in Vogue in 1894 and has endured to become one of her most beloved works. Upon learning of her husband’s death, Louise Mallard considers how this fateful event will change her life, meditating on the ideas of loss, freedom, and the bounds of marriage. “The Story of an Hour” was brought to life by Tina Rathbone as a part of the PBS anthology series American Playhouse. Be it mystery, romance, drama, comedy, politics, or history, great literature stands the test of time. ClassicJoe proudly brings literary classics to today’s digital readers, connecting those who love to read with authors whose work continues to get people talking. Look for other fiction and non-fiction classics from ClassicJoe.

Katherine O'Flaherty (1850-1904), known by her married name Kate Chopin, was an American author of short stories and novels. Her works appeared in literary magazines and popular American periodicals of the day, including Vogue and The Atlantic. In 1899, her second novel, The Awakening, was published to much outrage and harsh criticism based upon moral, rather than literary, sta...


Intro to English Literature 第一篇阅读
此时她们还没有属于自己的一间房子,但已经偷过小小的窗子,看遥远的天空。 "she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window."
Louise一点点感受到真实的世界,对自由惶恐不安到决定拥抱自由,她清晰地知道自己的感受,爱 但也没这么爱。读她就像是读自己,但又不完全一样,所以阅读的过程里既在看她找到了自由,也在感受并且寻找自己的自由和勇气。文章短小,但起承转合俱全,是一个非常棒值得一读的故事~
第一次读其实是在18年的专四真题卷,当时第一遍愣是没看懂Mrs. Mallard为什么最后去世了,看到答案之后才恍然大悟,她原本以为的"Body and soul free"被失望取代了。没想到文学导论的老师又布置了这篇的论文。前段时间读的Trifles也是这样,丈夫杀死了她的金丝雀,她选择了勒死自己的丈夫。极端的情节反应的都是女性受压抑的命运与觉醒的尝试。今天专四的最后一篇阅读是献给艾米丽的玫瑰,虽然只选了开头的部分,但我还是蛮惊讶专四会一次又一次选择这些题材的小说作为考题。虽然读英语很痛苦,但我们接触到的一些东西是其他的专业不会有的。
高中好像读过 现在通识课又讲 非常精彩的描写 珍贵的自我 可哀的女性
First-intro to Novels