书籍 How Asia Works的封面

How Asia Works

Joe Studwell


Grove Press







In the 1980s and 1990s many in the West came to believe in the myth of an East-Asian economic miracle. Japan was going to dominate, then China. Countries were called “tigers” or “mini-dragons,” and were seen as not just development prodigies, but as a unified bloc, culturally and economically similar, and inexorably on the rise.

Joe Studwell has spent two decades as a reporter in the region, and The Financial Times said he “should be named chief myth-buster for Asian business.” In How Asia Works, Studwell distills his extensive research into the economies of nine countries—Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and China—into an accessible, readable narrative that debunks Western misconceptions, shows what really happened in Asia and why, and for once makes clear why some countries have boomed while others have languished.

Studwell’s in-depth analysis focuses on three main areas: land policy, manufacturing, and finance. Land reform has been essential to the success of Asian economies, giving a kick start to development by utilizing a large workforce and providing capital for growth. With manufacturing, industrial development alone is not sufficient, Studwell argues. Instead, countries need “export discipline,” a government that forces companies to compete on the global scale. And in finance, effective regulation is essential for fostering, and sustaining growth. To explore all of these subjects, Studwell journeys far and wide, drawing on fascinating examples from a Philippine sugar baron’s stifling of reform to the explosive growth at a Korean steel mill.

Thoroughly researched and impressive in scope, How Asia Works is essential reading for anyone interested in the development of these dynamic countries, a region that will shape the future of the world.

Joe Studwell is the founding editor of the China Economic Quarterly. A freelance journalist in Asia for over twenty years, he has also written for the Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist, The Financial Times, The Asian Wall Street Journal and the The Far Eastern Economic Review. He is the author of The China Dream and Asian Godfathers.

Export discipline 推动产业升级
How Asia Works, Learning from the history and just do it in my own mind.
1. land reform;2. export discipline in the with a focus on developing globally competitve companies;3. financial “repression”.
还是非常喜欢这本书的international perspective,讲述了亚洲这么多国家的土改/经济改革的历史和对比。
详细介绍了亚洲各国政府为建立成功的经济而实施的经济模式,其中包括了日本、韩国、中国和其他国家及地区。 这些国家和地区的成功与西方大学以及国际货币基金组织和世界贸易组织等机构所强调的传统经济理念相悖。无节制的自由市场可能对不发达的经济体有害。成功的亚洲经济体在开放其经济的哪些部分以及何时开放的层面是有计划的。 书中引用的策略包括: 土地改革:将土地从效率低下的封建地主手中分配给小农户; 移民政策:允许特定技术人员移民,限制外国人的土地所有权; 进出口政策:对出口进行补贴,对具有战略意义的进口产品征收关税; 保护本地工业:保护本地农民和制造商不受外国竞争影响; 货币保护:货币贬值,使出口更具竞争力; 经济特区:划出像深圳这样具有更多经济自主权的地区; 税收优惠:为本地产业提供税收补贴;