书籍 Monolingualism of the Other的封面

Monolingualism of the Other

Jacques Derrida







"I have but one language--yet that language is not mine." This book intertwines theoretical reflection with historical and cultural particularity to enunciate, then analyze this conundrum in terms of the author's own relationship to the French language. The book operates on three levels. At the first level, a theoretical inquiry investigates the relation between individuals and their "own" language. It also explores the structural limits, desires, and interdictions inherent in such "possession," as well as the corporeal aspect of language (its accents, tones, and rhythms) and the question of the "countability" of languages (that is, their discreteness or factual givenness). At the second level, the author testifies to aspects of his acculturation as an Algerian Jew with respect to language acquisition, schooling, citizenship, and the dynamics of cultural-political exclusion and inclusion. At the third level, the book is comparative, drawing on statements from a wide range of figures, from the Moroccan Abdelkebir Khatibi to Franz Rosenzweig, Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt, and Emmanuel Levinas. Since one of the book's central themes is the question of linguistic and cultural identity, its argument touches on several issues relevant to the current debates on multiculturalism. These issues include the implementation of colonialism in the schools, the tacit or explicit censorship that excludes other (indigenous) languages from serious critical consideration, the investment in an ideal of linguistic purity, and the problematics of translation. The author also reveals the complex interplay of psychological factors that invests the subject of identity with the desire to recover a "lost" language of origin and with the ambition to master the language of the colonizer.

Jacques Derrida was Director of Studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, and Professor of Humanities at the University of California, Irvine. Among his books translated into English is Resistances of Psychoanalysis (Stanford, 1998).

monolingualism of the other—a forever alienation with oneself. 这些经历都太令人难过了
看不懂,在review的帮助下大概明白了讲的什么,structuralism中冒出的一点transcendance的微光,但那块超出语言的空间却类同宗教救赎,与silence的宗教意涵相吻合,nonalienated alienation,outside与inside的paradox总发生在自我的形成之前 对语言的研究真是伟大的事业
“Je n'ai qu'une langue, ce n'est pas la mienne.” However, “it is always up to a language to summon the heterological opening that permits it to speak of something else and to address itself to the other.” And the Origin is always prosthetic.
发小推的书那就看看…作者深陷法语与殖民身份的泥潭之中… 颠来倒去倒而颠之,一百页其实可以砍去大半。一开始觉得好在中文根深苗壮不存在他说的本土语言的存在问题,再一想想又不确定了… 其实你港保存了(可能更多的)古近代中文…