书籍 The Burnout Society的封面

The Burnout Society

Byung-Chul Han







Our competitive, service-oriented societies are taking a toll on the late-modern individual. Rather than improving life, multitasking, "user-friendly" technology, and the culture of convenience are producing disorders that range from depression to attention deficit disorder to borderline personality disorder. Byung-Chul Han interprets the spreading malaise as an inability to manage negative experiences in an age characterized by excessive positivity and the universal availability of people and goods. Stress and exhaustion are not just personal experiences, but social and historical phenomena as well. Denouncing a world in which every against-the-grain response can lead to further disempowerment, he draws on literature, philosophy, and the social and natural sciences to explore the stakes of sacrificing intermittent intellectual reflection for constant neural connection.

Korean-born German philosopher Byung-Chul Han teaches philosophy and cultural studies at Berlin's University of the Arts (UdK). In the past few years, his provocative essays have been translated into numerous languages, and he has become one of the most widely read philosophers in Europe and beyond. His work is presented here in English for the first time.

短书,没有实证,哲学角度,用了免疫的比喻(?)来阐释一个充满了所谓正能量的社会,人们变得越来越内视也越来越空虚,对 positivity 和 achievement 的过度追求却没有一个实在的、有对立面的内核,进而导致了精神上的混乱。中间是与阿甘本、阿伦特、康德和弗洛伊德等人的哲学概念的对话(好吧我不是特别能吃透)。中文版中信的《倦怠社会》。
频频点头称赞,准确分析并提炼概括了当代社会的精神状态。最后一句话简直是小彩蛋。 (Note:最后一部分的分析理解的不是很透彻,但有很多值得深入思考的内容,有机会再读一遍。)
PHIL043 selection | Han基本在整合neoliberal ethics对foucauldian disciplinary framework的挑战 然而有些地方将immunology比喻成传统的民族冲突内在的hegelian master/slave dialectics 然后用hybridization描述全球化后现代multiple identities 华丽而不实用的术语花瓶
disciplinary society to achievement society, the disappearance of Other, the homines sacri for whom health becomes the new god. 实在不知道如何评价,读的时候觉得也说得通,但是有的时候又觉得真的吗?psychoanalysis已经无法应用于现在的社会了吗?他对于其他理论家的反驳真的就成立吗?所以读起来也就是增加一些词汇,和一些多样的思考方式吧
晚期现代社会从福柯笔下的“规训社会”转向韩炳哲所说的“功绩社会”,看到“功绩”二字,立马联想到“绩效”:工作的人寻求更好的业绩,读书的人追求更高的成绩。在“功绩”驱动下,只能不断突破,不断成功,至死方休。一旦无以为继,人变成书中所说的“too alive to die, too dead to live”,形成书名“倦怠社会”。这契合我自己的观察:一方面需要十足优秀才配当普通人;另一方面成为普通人又显得十足失败,于是只能变得更优秀,永无终点。
狡猾的哲学畅销书写法。引用Nietzche、Arendt等人的观点,如vita active and vita contemplative,试图将旧东西和“时髦”的现代生活之倦怠、抑郁结合,用20世纪的理论套21世纪的社会,当然可以阅读但是很多废话没有啥新东西。