书籍 Paris Spleen的封面

Paris Spleen

Charles Baudelaire







Set in a modern, urban Paris, the prose pieces in this volume constitute a further exploration of the terrain Baudelaire had covered in his verse masterpiece, "The Flowers of Evil": the city and its squalor and inequalities, the pressures of time and mortality, and the liberation provided by the sensual delights of intoxication, art and women. Published posthumously in 1869, "The Spleen of Paris" was a landmark publication in the development of the genre of prose poetry - a format which Baudelaire saw as particularly suited for expressing the feelings of uncertainty, flux and freedom of his age - and one of the founding texts of literary modernism.

Time, Fantasy, Desire, Filth, Poverty. Love.
波德莱尔写猫,写女人,两者是互通的。异域之景也弥漫着情色,但是淫而不秽。近似恋物癖的痴迷,官能上奇香与异色挑动着味觉, never shall I be blasé!
波德萊爾的solitary and enigmatical陪我度過這個夏天的末尾,在叮叮車上吹著風滿眼綠色的日子是2020最可愛的現場時刻。這個版本是在倫敦那間很大的Hatchards淘到的,微黃的紙質、排版和裝訂都非常舒適。
life is elsewhere
Remarkable stranger, what do you love
portraits of some mistresses + miss bistroury 最佳, 多数无感大概因为有些irrelevant。读到windows第一段反应起来是在aix写作课的英译版 有些怀念
第一次读波德莱尔,很喜欢的文风,pleasures ennoble the soul and soften the heart. Life is a hospital where every patient is obsessed by the desire of changing bed.