书籍 Invisible Child的封面

Invisible Child

Andrea Elliott


Random House










“Destined to become one of the classics of the genre” (Newsweek), the riveting, unforgettable story of a girl whose indomitable spirit is tested by homelessness, poverty, and racism in an unequal America—from Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Andrea Elliott of The New York Times

Invisible Child follows eight dramatic years in the life of a girl whose imagination is as soaring as the skyscrapers near her Brooklyn shelter. Dasani was named after the bottled water that signaled Brooklyn’s gentrification and the shared aspirations of a divided city. In this sweeping narrative, Elliott weaves the story of Dasani’s childhood with the history of her family, tracing the passage of their ancestors from slavery to the Great Migration north. As Dasani comes of age, the homeless crisis in New York City has exploded amid the deepening chasm between rich and poor.

Dasani must guide her siblings through a city riddled by hunger, violence, drug addiction, homelessness, and the monitoring of child protection services. Out on the street, Dasani becomes a fierce fighter to protect the ones she loves. When she finally escapes city life to enroll in a boarding school, she faces an impossible question: What if leaving poverty means abandoning your family, and yourself?

By turns heartbreaking and inspiring, Invisible Child tells an astonishing story about the power of resilience, the importance of family, and the cost of inequality. Based on nearly a decade of reporting, Invisible Child illuminates some of the most critical issues in contemporary America through the life of one remarkable girl.

在三星和四星之间犹豫了很久。普利策奖作品的文笔没得说,从用词的精准到文章逻辑到整体表达都有条有理、言之有物。读这本书像是在看一部纪录片!但是作者在书中表达的观点我很不认同,作者把Dasani一家颠沛贫穷的生活都归结于 “system failure” 即社会环境、政治制度和福利政策等的偏见、低效、冗杂、不合情理;而非Dasani的父母——也就是我认为最应该为自己的孩子负责的人。他们的药物成瘾、暴力、没有稳定工作等都被有意无意地忽略甚至一笔带过了,因为作者觉得他们之所以变成这样也是美国社会对他们的偏见导致的self-fulfilling prophecy的应验… 我十分不认可,不过也可能也是因为judge别人永远要比真正的理解更轻松吧…anyway还是非常非常值得一读的!
In no way to fully capture this book, but poverty is indeed a vicious cycle, especially in a far from perfect system
如果对美国城市里黑人贫民这个话题有兴趣,为什么child protection已经成为一个亿万产业,为什么有那么多纽约人无家可归,强推!如果觉得书太长,纽约时报上有一系列6篇文章,算是精选。作者曾获普利策奖。近年看过的非虚构里面最震撼的一本,上一本是同样的拿普利策的女记者写的孟买贫民窟behind the beautiful forever。
“Respect was a person's currency on the street.” "We must remind ourselves that to enter another's world as a researcher is a privilege, not a right," Lee Ann had written in 2012. "Wrestling with ethical dilemmas is the price we pay for the privileges we enjoy." "Almost nothing counts more than the person who shows up."