书籍 Critique of Cynical Reason的封面

Critique of Cynical Reason

Peter Sloterdijk







A philosophical treatise which finds cynicism the dominant mode in contemporary culture.

In 1983, two centuries after the publication of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, another philosophical treatise—polemical in nature, with a title that consciously and disrespectfully alludes to the earlier work—appeared in West Germany. Peter Sloterdijk’s Critique of Cynical Reason stirred both critical acclaim and consternation and attracted a wide readership, especially among those who had come of age in the 1960’s. Sloterdijk’s finds cynicism the dominant mode in contemporary culture, in personal institutional settings; his book is less a history of the impulse than an investigation of its role in the postmodern 1970s and 1980s, among those whose earlier hopes for social change had crumbled and faded away. Sloterdijk thus brings into cultural and political discourse an issue which, though central to the mood of a generation, has remained submerged throughout the current debate about modernity and postmodernity.

With Adorno and Horkeimer’s Dialectic of Enlightenment as his primary jumping-off point, Sloterdijk also draws upon, and contends with, the poststructuralist concepts of Deleuze and Guattari. He defines cynicism as enlightened false consciousness—a sensibility “well off and miserable at the same time,” able to function in the workaday world yet assailed by doubt and paralysis; and, as counterstrategy, proposes the cynicism of antiquity—the sensuality and loud, satiric laughter of Diogenes. Above all, Sloterdijk is determined to resist the amnesia inherent in cynicism. The twentieth-century German historical experience lies behind his work, which closes with a brilliant essay on the Weimar Republic—the fourteen years between a lost war and Hitler’s ascent to power, and a time when the cynical mode first achieved cultural dominance.

Peter Sloterdijk holds a doctorate in German literature from the University of Hamburg and has published two other books in Germany, on literature of the Weimar Republic and on Nietzsche.

Subjectivity as Praxi
其实很失望,几乎没有什么创新意义。果断弃掉... 我不清楚,作者是否在致敬弗洛伊德式精神分析。这样将一切都归还到类似俄狄浦斯的“启蒙的虚假意识”其实是非常狡猾的。将原先设定好的范畴用作病人一切的诊断...像是作者脱离不开菲利斯崇拜。一个个并排的例子和避免声明的态度简直是在装傻。“启蒙的虚假意识”是一个悬在半空的文学概念,变成了一个低廉的借口...