书籍 Disagreement的封面


Jacques Rancière







“Is there any such thing as political philosophy?” So begins this provocative book by one of the foremost figures in Continental thought. Here, Jacques Rancière brings a new and highly useful set of terms to the vexed debate about political effectiveness and “the end of politics.”

What precisely is at stake in the relationship between “philosophy” and the adjective “political”? In Disagreement, Rancière explores the apparent contradiction between these terms and reveals the uneasy meaning of their union in the phrase “political philosophy”—a juncture related to age-old attempts in philosophy to answer Plato’s devaluing of politics as a “democratic egalitarian” process.

According to Rancière, the phrase also expresses the paradox of politics itself: the absence of a proper foundation. Politics, he argues, begins when the “demos” (the “excessive” or unrepresented part of society) seeks to disrupt the order of domination and distribution of goods “naturalized” by police and legal institutions. In addition, the notion of “equality” operates as a game of contestation that constantly substitutes litigation for political action and community. This game, Rancière maintains, operates by a primary logic of “misunderstanding.” In turn, political philosophy has always tried to substitute the “politics of truth” for the politics of appearances.

Disagreement investigates the various transformations of this regime of “truth” and their effects on practical politics. Rancière then distinguishes what we mean by “democracy” from the practices of a consensual system in order to unravel the ramifications of the fashionable phrase “the end of politics.” His conclusions will be of interest to readers concerned with political questions from the broadest to the most specific and local.

Jacques Rancière is professor of aesthetics at the University of Paris VIII (St. Denis). He is the author of numerous books in French, three of which have been translated into English: The Nights of Labor (1989), The Ignorant Schoolmaster (1991), and The Names of History (Minnesota, 1994).

Julie Rose is a writer and translator who lives in Australia. She has also translated wor...


打破常规的定义,将politics和police order分开。politics不需要police order那样的源头,是一个边缘化个体为自己发声,打破改变固有秩序的过程,是一个不断变化流动的过程。对平等的追求是这一切发声/斗争/冲突的源头。这也是当年68学运之后朗西埃和阿尔都塞分道扬镳的原因,在朗西埃看来是politics的学运却不被阿尔都塞认可。共识对于朗西埃而言是反民主的存在,而从个体身份认知出发忽视对universal equality的追求对于朗西埃来说也不属于politics。比如虚无主义时代的人道主义,一方面只是国际秩序的强加;另一方面将politics限制在了少数身份认知从而忽视了最重要的平等。(朗西埃对于人道主义的论点感觉切入很草率,当然人道主义本身争议就非常大)
Politics is about the confrontation between the policing order and the egalitarian logic; politics occurs through mechanisms of subjectification; the essential nexus of logos and wrong: politics is the practice whereby the logic of the characteristic of equality takes the form of the processing of a wrong;
中文没读明白 读英文的就清楚很多 结合香港美国的情况,朗西埃一针见血