书籍 Deleuze的封面


Alain Badiou







The works of Gilles Deleuze -- on cinema, literature, painting, and philosophy -- have made him one of the most widely read thinkers of his generation. This compact critical volume is not only a powerful reappraisal of Deleuze's thought, but also the first major work by Alain Badiou available in English. Badiou compellingly redefines "Deleuzian, " throwing down the gauntlet in the battle over the very meaning of Deleuze's legacy.For those who view Deleuze as the apostle of desire, flu, and multiplicity, Badiou's book is a deliberate provocation. Through a deep philosophical engagement with his writings, Badiou contends that Deleuze is not the Dionysian thinker of becoming he took himself to be; on the contrary, he is an ascetic philosopher of Being and Oneness. Deleuze's self-declared anti-Platonism fails -- and that, in Badiou's view, may ultimately be to his credit. "Perhaps it is not Platonism that has to be overturned, " Badiou writes, "but the anti-Platonism taken as evident throughout this entire century."This volume draws on a five-year correspondence undertaken by Badiou and Deleuze near the end of Deleuze's life, when the two put aside long-standing political and philosophical differences to exchange ideas about similar problems in their work. Badiou's incomparably attentive readings of key Deleuzian concepts radically revise reigning interpretations, offering new insights to even the veteran Deleuze reader and serving as an entree to the controversial notion of a "restoration" of Plato advocated by Badiou -- in his own right one of the most original figures in postwar French philosophy.The result is a critical tour de force that repositions Deleuze, one of the mostimportant thinkers of our time, and introduces Badiou to English-speaking readers.

阿兰‧巴迪欧 法国重要哲学家,在政治立场上以法国毛主义者及对共产主义的捍卫著称。巴迪欧早年受阿尔都塞的深刻影响,认为只有透过数学逻辑才能展开存在论的思考。在最重要的著作《存在与事件》(1988)中,存在论被发展成一种数学的集合论。爱、艺术、政治与科学是巴迪欧哲学的四个基点。


杨凯麟 台北艺术大学艺术跨领域研究所教授。研究当代法国哲学、美学与文学评论。著有《分裂分析德勒兹》《分裂分析福柯》《书写与影像》《虚构集》,译有《德勒兹论福柯》《消失的美学》等。

显然 巴丟与德勒兹的距离,远大于 德勒兹与福柯的距离。从哲人以生命追随哲学的勇气、宽度和深度来说,巴丟比德勒兹差那么个级别。德勒兹对巴丟的态度是非常明确的,两人从来没有见过面,有些通信(30次),德勒兹最后通知巴丟,这些通信文件没有发表的意见且已经销毁。。。巴丟对德勒兹的一些评价是到位的,例如,德勒兹忠实于尼采...德勒兹说,斯宾诺莎是哲学的基督,巴丟说,德勒兹是斯宾诺莎的最重要使徒之一。那么巴丟呢?一个职业哲学信徒?
And if Being is said in a single sense, how is the sense of this "single sense" to be determined?