书籍 Racial Castration的封面

Racial Castration

David L. Eng







Racial Castration, the first book to bring together the fields of Asian American studies and psychoanalytic theory, explores the role of sexuality in racial formation and the place of race in sexual identity. David L. Eng examines images—literary, visual, and filmic—that configure past as well as contemporary perceptions of Asian American men as emasculated, homosexualized, or queer.

Eng juxtaposes theortical discussions of Freud, Lacan, and Fanon with critical readings of works by Frank Chin, Maxine Hong Kingston, Lonny Kaneko, David Henry Hwang, Louie Chu, David Wong Louie, Ang Lee, and R. Zamora Linmark. While situating these literary and cultural productions in relation to both psychoanalytic theory and historical events of particular significance for Asian Americans, Eng presents a sustained analysis of dreamwork and photography, the mirror stage and the primal scene, and fetishism and hysteria. In the process, he offers startlingly new interpretations of Asian American masculinity in its connections to immigration exclusion, the building of the transcontinental railroad, the wartime internment of Japanese Americans, multiculturalism, and the model minority myth. After demonstrating the many ways in which Asian American males are haunted and constrained by enduring domestic norms of sexuality and race, Eng analyzes the relationship between Asian American male subjectivity and the larger transnational Asian diaspora. Challenging more conventional understandings of diaspora as organized by race, he instead reconceptualizes it in terms of sexuality and queerness.

Racial Castration will make a landmark contribution to the fields of Asian American studies, psychoanalytic theory, ethnic studies, feminism, queer theory, gay and lesbian studies, postcoloniality, and critical race theory.

David L. Eng is Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University and co-editor of Q & A: Queer in Asian America.

Introduction: Racial Castration
1. I’ve Been (Re)Working on the Railroad: Photography and National History in China Men and Donald Duk
2. Primal Scenes: Queer Childhood in “The Shoyu Kid”
3. Heterosexuality in the Face of Whiteness: Divided Belief in M. Butterfly

好书,首先将精神分析历史化,以讨论精神分析理论兴起时的人类学背景(欧洲中心、种族主义)为基础,引入了racial difference的因素试图修订一部分精神分析理论,指出whiteness, heterosexuality, masculinity三者间的秘密结盟,以及由此而来的对于non-white族群在sexuality上的符号性压迫。对于几个Asian American Masculinity的文本考察也很细致,分析Shoyu Kid和M. Butterfly两个文本尤其精彩。
psychoanalysis给了Eng一个的理论框架让他很好的把他的分析一点点地unfold(尤其是第三章m. butterfly 对于reverse fetishism的分析 但是!我还是没有看出来psychoanalysis的必要性.....所以强推最后一章(any works that foreground psychoanalysis frustrate me
2018 Thinking Sex