书籍 Sex, or the Unbearable的封面

Sex, or the Unbearable

Lauren Berlant







Sex, or the Unbearable is a dialogue between Lauren Berlant and Lee Edelman, two of our leading theorists of sexuality, politics, and culture. In juxtaposing sex and the unbearable they don't propose that sex is unbearable, only that it unleashes unbearable contradictions that we nonetheless struggle to bear. In Berlant and Edelman's exchange, those terms invoke disturbances produced in encounters with others, ourselves, and the world, disturbances that tap into threats induced by fears of loss or rupture as well as by our hopes for repair. Through virtuoso interpretations of works of cinema, photography, critical theory, and literature, including Lydia Davis' story "Break It Down" (reprinted in full here), Berlant and Edelman explore what it means to live with negativity, with those divisions that may be irreparable. Together, they consider how such negativity affects politics, theory, and intimately felt encounters. But where their critical approaches differ, neither hesitates to voice disagreement. Their very discussion - punctuated with moments of frustration, misconstruction, anxiety, aggression, recognition, exhilaration, and inspiration - enacts both the difficulty and the potential of encounter, the subject of this unusual exchange between two eminent critics and close friends.

Lauren Berlant is George M. Pullman Distinguished Service Professor of English at the University of Chicago. She is the author of "Cruel Optimism," "The Female Complaint," and "The Queen of America Goes to Washington City," all also published by Duke University Press.Lee Edelman is Fletcher Professor of English Literature at Tufts University. He is the author of "L'impossible H...


最近要出一期lb和sianne ngai合编的critical inquiry 叫comedy, an issue
标题中的性以及此书自身的对话形式,都是在特定的关系中遭遇negativity of the subject's nonsovereignty,重新刻画社会性之于所谓“反社会论题”的重要性。尤其喜欢对Lydia Davis "Break it Down"的细读。
以queer negativity为理论武器,实现性际遇的去魅化,进而为非主权的主体性敞开空间。两位学者关于本雅明“Chockwirkung”的驳论、关于萌态审美的批判,以及对于Eve Sedgwick的再审视都好精彩!