书籍 Confucian Role Ethics的封面

Confucian Role Ethics

Roger T. Ames







Confucian Role Ethics is an exploration of what constitutes and how one becomes an authentic, moral human being as conceived in the Confucian tradition. The book establishes an interpretive context by exploring some of the cosmological foundations of Confucian philosophy through discussion of commentary on the Yijing (The Book of Changes), Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Chinese cosmology. The author proceeds to delineate the morals and ideals of a Confucian life and its foundation in feelings of familial intimacy and its human-centered religiousness. These ideas are contrasted with the principle and virtue based traditions of the Abrahamic religions as well as of the individualistic tradition beginning in ancient Greece. Lastly, Ames attempts to critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of Confucian role ethics as articulated in the early canonical texts, discussing both its return to prominence and feasibility as a system of ethical conduct for the present day.

Roger T. Ames is a professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. He has been Visiting Professor at National Taiwan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Peking University, as well as a fellow of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. He has authored, edited, and translated some thirty books, and is the editor of the academic journ...


看完此书倒是明了了自己本科老板近几年来学术理路的源泉。Charles Taylor在Sources of the Self一书中总结近代启蒙以来西方有关自我观念在哲学、政治等方面的发展,提炼出了所谓原子式的自我(atomic self),强调个体的自由、自律而无视其所处的特定关系网络及文化背景,主体互相间都处于孤立的状态之中,而这也是自由主义背后对自我的定位。本书提出所谓关系性的自我(relational self)即是对前者的对反,个体不是一个孤悬的noumenal self,而是在家庭、社群、国家等构成的角色与关系中体现自身。这种主体观念落实于政治理论上即是社群主义,提升个体的责任感、积极参与社会各层面的活动。但作者对某些具体文本的解释如孟子中的四端,我还是持保留态度。
很有意思的Imterpretive contextulization! Relationality是confucian role ethics的基石。明明是我们一直身处的环境,但是作者通过与别的Chinese classics联系起来讨论,将这一观点发挥得十分有趣。东西方role ethics的不同也给了我一些比较性的启发。