书籍 Chinese Architecture in an Age of Turmoil, 200-600的封面

Chinese Architecture in an Age of Turmoil, 200-600

Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt







Between the fall of the Han dynasty in 220 CE and the year 600, more than thirty dynasties, kingdoms, and states rose and fell on the eastern side of the Asian continent. The founders and rulers of those polities represented the spectrum of peoples in North, East, and Central Asia. Nearly all of them built palaces, altars, temples, tombs, and cities, and almost without exception, the architecture was grounded in the building tradition of China. Illustrated with more than 475 color and black-and-white photographs, maps, and drawings, Chinese Architecture in an Age of Turmoil uses all available evidence—Chinese texts, secondary literature in six languages, excavation reports, and most important, physical remains—to present the architectural history of this tumultuous period in China’s history. Its author, Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt, arguably North America’s leading scholar of premodern Chinese architecture, has done field research at nearly every site mentioned, many of which were unknown twenty years ago and have never been described in a Western language.

The physical remains are a handful of pagodas, dozens of cave-temples, thousands of tombs, small-scale evidence of architecture such as sarcophaguses, and countless representations of buildings in paint and relief sculpture. Together they narrate an expansive architectural history that offers the first in-depth study of the development, century-by-century, of Chinese architecture of third through the sixth centuries, plus a view of important buildings from the two hundred years before the third century and the resolution of architecture of this period in later construction. The subtext of this history is an examination of Chinese architecture that answers fundamental questions such as: What was achieved by a building system of standardized components? Why has this building tradition of perishable materials endured so long in China? Why did it have so much appeal to non-Chinese empire builders? Does contemporary architecture of Korea and Japan enhance our understanding of Chinese construction? How much of a role did Buddhism play in construction during the period under study? In answering these questions, the book focuses on the relation between cities and monuments and their heroic or powerful patrons, among them Cao Cao, Shi Hu, Empress Dowager Hu, Gao Huan, and lesser-known individuals. Specific and uniquely Chinese aspects of architecture are explained. The relevance of sweeping—and sometimes uncomfortable—concepts relevant to the Chinese architectural tradition such as colonialism, diffusionism, and the role of historical memory also resonate though the book.

hard-core的建築史。但是讀畢感覺像是一個一個individual case的合集。沒有反思地繼續“漢化”的話語。不能忍受的是非常明顯的常識錯誤,比如“竹林七賢”活躍於東晉。
0528初读,0818重读。三星半。一本很有启发的书,作者也很有野心,但对于三到六世纪这一异彩纷呈的“动荡时代”而言,无疑值得更为细致缜密的研究。作者的长处在于广阔的视野与活跃的联想,但短处同样也出在天马行空式的联想上,尤其在象征意义的阐释上,许多个案并不足以很好的证明作者的观点。作者似乎在建构大框架与悉心于个案之间存在犹豫,这反而导致两端都留有不足。有机会要写篇长评。 附初读短评:处理汉唐之间的建筑及艺术史问题,无非是两点,一是佛教的进入,一是“汉化”的输出,围绕这两点展开的则是汉人与外族的接受与改造。作者从汉帝国的遗产出发,打破边界,利用都城、墓葬与石窟等材料展开对这一时期建筑发展的论述。作者指出,汉代建筑的权力象征及木结构的简单是中国建筑体系在分裂时代仍得以延续且被外族接受的重要因素。
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