书籍 Meadowlands的封面


Louise Glück









In an astonishing book-length sequence, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Louise Gluck interweaves the dissolution of a contemporary marriage with the story of The Odyssey. Here is Penelope stubbornly weaving, elevating the act of waiting into an act of will; here, too, is a worldly Circe, a divided Odysseus, and a shrewd adolescent Telemachus. Through these classical figures, Meadowlands explores such timeless themes as the endless negotiation of family life, the cruelty that intimacy enables, and the frustrating trivia of the everyday. Gluck discovers in contemporary life the same quandary that lies at the heart of The Odyssey: the "unanswerable/affliction of the human heart: how to divide/the world's beauty into acceptable/and unacceptable loves."

Klares Tagebuch. Ich habe das kleine Licht hochgeholt. Schreibst du immer noch um Mitternacht? Mit dem Alter entwickeln sich die Vernunft und die Disziplin. Eher die Vernunft;) Schön.
整本不同诗歌之间形成几条线索彼此呼应,最明显的一条是与Odysseus,Penelope,Telemachus,Circe,Ithaca有关的神话线索,另一条是当代伴侣之间的对话,这两条都描写了孤立、隔阂、爱等话题。看似表现忠贞不二的神话故事被重新诠释、反复重写,Penelope痴迷的是幻想中的Odysseus,Penelope的行为是为了表明自己对命运的独立选择权,而不是被动地被命运控制。类似主题的诗歌似乎读过,但记不得是谁写的了。觉得语言和意象方面表现平平,The loom is for the suitors, strung up like a harp with white shroud-thread这样的句子也有,但不多。整体来说中规中矩。
‘You must learn to think of our passion that way. / Each kiss was real, then / each kiss left the face of the earth.’
4.5,maybe what is attractive about her is her ambiguity, the sort of candidness more inward than outward, where meanings are hard-won, welcoming and reclusive at the same time. Is this the best we can get with another human being? The world prefers silence and only occasional confessions: Being laconic allows one to recognise his kinship
双线并行互为对照,奥德赛线中对神话的重述与“消解”非常有意思,写出了神话宏大性背后的日常性与人性,“what if war is just a male version of dressing up, a game devised to avoid profound spiritual questions?” 非常喜欢Telemache与Circe的几首。另一条线更为冷冽,感情破裂边缘的回避与无力,“You must learn to think of our passion that way. Each kiss was real, then each kiss left the face of the earth.”
借助《奥德赛》构建关于崩塌边缘婚姻的镜像。几乎喜欢其中每一首,幽暗、凌厉、严苛(没有安卡森那种温柔与俏皮),是狄金森会偏爱的那种诗句:“If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.”