书籍 Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius的封面

Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius

Jorge Luis Borges







`Here is a handsome edition of one of Borges' ficciones, in a translation first published in Labyrinths in 1962. It's an important story in the Borges' canon, incorporating most of the author's philosophical and esthetic preoccupations in a typically brief compass. With great solemnity and a convincing array of scholarly detail (including annotated references to imaginary books and articles), Borges contocts a fable of an alternate world and its infiltration of our own. The reality of Tlon is idealist: material objects have no existence; language has no nouns; its principal discipline is psychology, since its inhabitants see the universe as nothing but a series of mental processes. A series of 24 illustrations accompanies the text. Their disturbing resemblances to our reality make them appropriate reflections of Borges's imaginative constructs.' -- The Kingston Whig-Standard

“Any book not containing its counter book is incomplete.” Oooo,没有真相,只有永恒的阐释,超帅气的把这概念推到了极致∠( 'ω')/世界不再有宇宙的物质组成,而是语言,想法,逻辑,人们每个独立的动作。The world is changing, in front of ur eyes, but u dk it.
The ambiguous distinction between Reality and the Imaginary world - "Mirrors and Fatherhood are abominable because they multiply and disseminate that universe."
"A scattered dynasty of solitary men has changed the face of the world. Their task continues. If our forecasts are not in error, a hundred years from now someone will discover hundred volumes of the Second Encyclopedia of Tlon"
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