书籍 The Brain的封面

The Brain

David Eagleman









Locked in the silence and darkness of your skull, your brain fashions the rich narratives of your reality and your identity. Join renowned neuroscientist David Eagleman for a journey into the questions at the mysterious heart of our existence. What is reality? Who are “you”? How do you make decisions? Why does your brain need other people? How is technology poised to change what it means to be human? In the course of his investigations, Eagleman guides us through the world of extreme sports, criminal justice, facial expressions, genocide, brain surgery, gut feelings, robotics, and the search for immortality. Strap in for a whistle-stop tour into the inner cosmos. In the infinitely dense tangle of billions of brain cells and their trillions of connections, something emerges that you might not have expected to see in there: you.

This is the story of how your life shapes your brain, and how your brain shapes your life.

(A companion to the six-part PBS series. Color illustrations throughout.)

Dr. David Eagleman is a neuroscientist who specializes in brain plasticity, time perception, synesthesia, and the intersection of science with social policy. He has authored over 90 scientific publications and holds several patents. He has also written two international bestsellers, the novel Sum and the non-fiction book Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain. He is the wri...


The book explores who I am, what is reality and consciousness and converges with philosophy and constructivism in so many streams. Consciousness is more than the hardware but the interactions among the parts. Experiences constantly rewrite brain circuits, and shape how we think. Empathy derives physiologyically, and free will is at best a myth
科普读物,对脑科学的泛泛而谈让我重回大学时的psychology 101,直到最后三十页,整本书被拔高到了Homo Deus的程度,还讨论了我们可能生活在盗梦空间的可能。推荐给小朋友阅读。
脑科学科普第一课,学到了奇奇怪怪的知识,好有意思。1. 每个人感受到的现实只是本体在大脑上的映射,所以大脑的构造不同,感知也不同。那当我们在交流同样一件事物时我们在说什么?2. 一切奇奇怪怪的证据似乎都指向了free will不存在。若如此,一切都是注定的,包括此刻我在想一切都是注定的这件事,和随之在想的在想注定这件事也是注定的这件事…(又循环了)3. 大脑的神经元数量是100B量级,和银河系的星体数量类似。如果一个系统足够复杂,每个部分只遵循一些简单的物理或化学的定律,整体的“意识”和“自我”就会呈现,那宇宙会不会是一个生物体的大脑? 8/10
最后一章写得既科幻又充满希望。远的不说Human Brain Project已经失败了,Brain Initiative和这些畅想比起来也还在过家家的阶段。不过~话说回来谁能想到二十年前弱弱的neural network现在能孕育出GPT呢~过二十年后再来回看这些bold ideas应该会比较有意思吧。
Who am I |开篇一章按照人生从幼年到老年不同阶段去讲述脑的重要性,很多实验结论和平时碎片信息获取的内容大致相同,比如2岁前给婴儿的情感回应十分重要,会影响智商以及3岁后的认知发展,另外提供的环境会决定大脑中的哪一半突触保留,另一半随着成年消失。大脑发育的黄金时期除了2岁前还有就是青春期,这段时期爱冒险、冲动都是和脑部发育有关,不代表成熟后依然会这样,25岁是脑发育完成的一个时间点,(虽然我个人认为自己是30多岁),但是细胞在代谢,组织在更新,记忆在迭代,人的每一天都是过去经历的综合,也许肉眼不可见,但你就是实打实地在不断变化。一个有趣的知识是,海马体除了储存记忆之外也负责想象,不过记忆也会欺骗自己,没有必要和自己印象中的那些回忆较劲,很可能是此刻的心境将过去蒙上了一层滤镜。