饮食文化更多一点就好了 后面的结局让人看了生气 但是想想 自己迷茫的时候不也是那么矫情 to crave the bitter...just the way you do sweet, learn to adapt from it在纽约读真的会很感动 那种无助 那种迷茫 那种疲惫 闪闪发光又触不可及的美好 都太过真实了perfect for late nite metro rides... thank you Tess 很巧的是后来还真的去了原形餐厅Union square cafe 确实服务一级棒 食物也好吃
“A certain connoisseurship of taste, a mark of how you deal with the world, is the ability to relish the bitter, to crave it even, the way you do the sweet.”