书籍 The Orchid and the Dandelion的封面

The Orchid and the Dandelion

W. Thomas Boyce MD












"Based on groundbreaking research that has the power to change the lives of countless children--and the adults who love them."

--Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts.

A book that offers hope and a pathway to success for parents, teachers, psychologists, and child development experts coping with difficult children.

In Tom Boyce's extraordinary new book, he explores the "dandelion" child (hardy, resilient, healthy), able to survive and flourish under most circumstances, and the "orchid" child (sensitive, susceptible, fragile), who, given the right support, can thrive as much as, if not more than, other children.

Boyce writes of his pathfinding research as a developmental pediatrician working with troubled children in child-development research for almost four decades, and explores his major discovery that reveals how genetic make-up and environment shape behavior. He writes that certain variant genes can increase a person's susceptibility to depression, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and antisocial, sociopathic, or violent behaviors. But rather than seeing this "risk" gene as a liability, Boyce, through his daring research, has recast the way we think of human frailty, and has shown that while these "bad" genes can create problems, they can also, in the right setting and the right environment, result in producing children who not only do better than before but far exceed their peers. Orchid children, Boyce makes clear, are not failed dandelions; they are a different category of child, with special sensitivities and strengths, and need to be nurtured and taught in special ways. And in The Orchid and the Dandelion, Boyce shows us how to understand these children for their unique sensibilities, their considerable challenges, their remarkable gifts.

1 A Tale of Two Children
2 The Noise and the Music
3 Lemon Juice, Fire Alarms, and an Unanticipated Discovery
4 An Orchestration of Orchids and Dandelions
5 Where Do Orchids (and Dandelions) Come From?

写得真好,non-fiction写出了fiction一般的引人入胜,停不下来。既有故事,又有数据。作者的妹妹以及家里几代人的故事让人动容,看得掉眼泪。Vulnerability is sensitivity, and sensitivity can be beautiful💛让我对自己敏感的孩子,包括从小敏感的自己,更深地了解。
七八年前,我曾经看过这个领域的几篇文章,还写过一篇科普,而这本书是多年研究成果的一个很好的总结。中心意思是说有的孩子是蒲公英,稳定坚韧,在相当大范围的环境中都可以成长得还不错,而有的孩子是兰花,敏感,在好的环境里会成长得特别好,在糟糕的环境里则特别糟。我的想法:1) 所谓兰花和蒲公英并不是两分的,甚至不是一个坐标轴上的连续值,很可能是在许多坐标轴构成的多维空间里面的连续函数。一个人也许可以认知上是敏锐的兰花,然而情绪上则是稳定的蒲公英,或者反过来。2)兰花和蒲公英并没有好或不好,就像任何性格一样,关键是和环境的匹配程度。3)书里说大概有1/5的人是兰花,然而我怀疑这个比例并非固定,可能现在兰花越来越多,尤其可能越来越多家长以为自己的孩子是兰花。。。最后,我全家都是蒲公英,毫无疑问。
每个人的性格都在兰花和蒲公英的频谱上。兰花偏向sensitive 对环境需求高 但满足了条件能给你非常大的惊喜;蒲公英就是顽强的杂草 哪都能长 但是能力也更趋向于average。耳温实验特别惊喜和好玩;对于最初那一波兰花和蒲公英小朋友cohort的一系列实验 也非常好。深切感受到如何把手上的cohort做到极致的态度(三番89地震 都能做一次研究调查)这就是发挥自己的niche非常好的体现了。讲实验设计和过程一点也不枯燥 而是非常平易近人 徐徐道来 非常好。
蒲公英和蝴蝶兰的区别并非非黑即白,而是一个spectrum,而且心理生理的susceptibility可能也不同。 17年课上学的sensitivity and differential susceptibility theory,所以看到书名的时候以为是本老书,现在发现居然是19年的!有一种曾经追的偶像现在突然红了的感觉!?