书籍 Borderland Memories的封面

Borderland Memories

Martin Thomas Fromm







In the 1980s, as China transitioned to the post-Mao era, a state-sponsored oral history project led to the publication of local, regional, and national histories. They took the form of written and transcribed personal testimonies of events that preceded the turmoil of both the Cultural Revolution and, in many cases, the Communist victory in 1949. Known as wenshi ziliao, these publications represent an intense process of historical memory production that has received little scholarly attention. Hitherto unexamined archival materials and oral histories reveal unresolved tensions in post-Cultural Revolution reconciliation and mobilization, informing negotiations between local elites and the state, and between Party and non-Party organizations. Taking the northeast Russia-Manchuria borderlands as a case study, Martin T. Fromm examines the creation of post-Mao identities, political mobilization, and knowledge production in China.

Martin T. Fromm is an assistant professor at Worcester State University. He is the editor of the academic journal Currents in Teaching and Learning.

1. Reconfiguring cultural production in the post-Mao transition
2. Borderland ambiguities in narratives of modernization and liberation
3. Relocating the nation outside the nation: forging a borderland-centered nationalist discourse
4. The 'historical science' of Wenshi Ziliao

以黑龙江中俄边境地区在后毛时代的《文史资料》编辑工作作为小切口,却串起了几个大问题:(1)党的(关注政协和其下的文史资料编辑工作)对于精英群体的动员策略、权力巩固策略的变化;(2)关于东北边境的记忆发掘/塑造和后毛时代的政治现实(市场经济、民族主义、中央/地方张力、关于历史trauma的reconciliation)的互动;(3)关于历史/集体记忆的编纂过程中的学科话语和政治(直接受Mullaney对于民族识别进行science studies研究的视角启发)
Politics of knowledge production, collective memory, and transitional justice. Giving plenty of perceptive observations on changes in intellectual level, but lacking a more compelling overarching characterization of the post-socialist period. Illustrating the flexibility, fluidity, and attempts at reconciliation is a bit inadequate.