书籍 The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness的封面

The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness

Andy Puddicombe







Quiet the mind, feel less stressed, less tired, and achieve a new level of calm and fulfillment in just ten minutes a day

Andy Puddicombe, a former Buddhist monk, the Voice of Headspace, and the UK’s foremost mindfulness expert, is on a mission: to get people to take 10 minutes out of their day to sit in the here and now.

Like his readers and students, Andy began his own meditation practice as a normal, busy person with everyday concerns, and he has since designed a program of mindfulness and guided meditation that fits neatly into a jam-packed daily routine―proving that just 10 minutes a day can make a world of difference.

Accessible and portable, The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness offers simple but powerful meditation techniques that positively impact every area of physical and mental health: from productivity and focus, to stress and anxiety relief, sleep, weight-loss, personal relationships...the benefits are limitless. The result? More headspace, less stress. Andy brings this ancient practice into the modern world, tailor made for the most time starved among us.

Switch off after work * Fall asleep at night * Feel less anxious, sad, or angry * Control your cravings * Find a healthy weight

Meditation and mindfulness seem pretty easy but actually it’s difficult to keep myself in the present moment, maybe that’s why my severe chronic depression and anxiety never go away. But I do enjoy this book, It makes sense to me. Anyway I will keep practicing.
1.内观,可以更好的和自己相处,可以和生活中的各种问题更好的相处 2.讲了很多可操作的练习 3.生活中各个环节,从吃饭到走路都可以冥想。解答了app中不同类型冥想的作用
很简单易读,操作起来也不困难。不过觉得90%的内容都在洗脑说meditation的好处。实际操作可能就是10分钟冥想以及后面运动/睡觉冥想方式比较有用。那些及其推荐的大佬,他们是不是都入股了head space?😂 另外,冥想对于自己来说:1.可以锻炼大脑集中精神 2.活在当下减少焦虑 3.对周围事物更敏锐,而非觉得理所应当
可操作性很强 很喜欢里面的一些比喻