书籍 Loonshots的封面


Safi Bahcall







*Wall Street Journal bestseller

*Next Big Idea Club selection―chosen by Malcolm Gladwell, Susan Cain, Dan Pink, and Adam Grant as one of the "two most groundbreaking new nonfiction reads of the season"

*Washington Post's "10 Leadership Books to Watch for in 2019"

*Inc.com's "10 Business Books You Need to Read in 2019"

*Business Insider's "14 Books Everyone Will Be Reading in 2019"

“This book has everything: new ideas, bold insights, entertaining history and convincing analysis. Not to be missed by anyone who wants to understand how ideas change the world.” ―Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Prize and author of Thinking, Fast and Slow

What do James Bond and Lipitor have in common? What can we learn about human nature and world history from a glass of water?

In Loonshots, physicist and entrepreneur Safi Bahcall reveals a surprising new way of thinking about the mysteries of group behavior that challenges everything we thought we knew about nurturing radical breakthroughs.

Drawing on the science of phase transitions, Bahcall shows why teams, companies, or any group with a mission will suddenly change from embracing wild new ideas to rigidly rejecting them, just as flowing water will suddenly change into brittle ice. Mountains of print have been written about culture. Loonshots identifies the small shifts in structure that control this transition, the same way that temperature controls the change from water to ice.

Using examples that range from the spread of fires in forests to the hunt for terrorists online, and stories of thieves and geniuses and kings, Bahcall shows how this new kind of science helps us understand the behavior of companies and the fate of empires. Loonshots distills these insights into lessons for creatives, entrepreneurs, and visionaries everywhere.

Over the past decade, researchers have been applying the tools and techniques of phase transitions to understand how birds flock, fish swim, brains work, people vote, criminals behave, ideas spread, diseases erupt, and ecosystems collapse. If twentieth-century science was shaped by the search for fundamental laws, like quantum mechanics and gravity, the twenty-first will be shaped by this new kind of science. Loonshots is the first to apply these tools to help all of us unlock our potential to create and nurture the crazy ideas that change the world.

当我阅读一些我不太擅长的领域的时候,比如用物理学的方法解释奇思妙想。我就需要花更多的时间去搜索各种人物,我了解到了科学 ,未来前沿的作者范内尔布什,我了解到了 product Creation strategy creation,相太分离和动态平衡,当然我也对其公式的怀疑,但我实在无力反驳,因为我的学识太过有限。最后,作者谈到了李约瑟难题,为什么古代经济中国如此发达,却没有科学,而欧洲经历了文艺复兴,孕育了容纳奇思构想的土壤。不过,奇思妙想可能要经过各种挫败,打击,误解,很多年后才被认可。
会在拜登执政期间续写故事吗?期待 🌝🚀 / 好奇作者本人的员工如何评价他的管理实力 / 希望中国也有类似 Bush-Vail 的桥梁型有识之士 / 好莱坞和爱迪生的故事出乎意料哈哈哈
Analyzing how a decision is made and what is the process used to form the decision rather than simply asking why it failed. #systematicthinking
不愿输又怎么可能赢?观点很好,且很明确的划分P type和S type loonshots,还是第一次听说这个概念。很有道理Product loonshot很有可能费时费力,但是要做,且这种loonshot出来有时候对社会就是革命性的,strategy lonnshot有时候就是思维的转变,与一般意义上的growth hacking有一定的重叠性。推荐创业者看。
Structure over culture. 1. Sepration of artist/innovator and franchise and treat both of them equally to create a good performance. 2. When loonshots met failures, needed to ask why behind 3. Why company size or number manner.基本就是如何创造innovation的好环境,以及生活就是不断的修行。
创新和应用 像冰和水 要有效分离 又实现转换 书介绍了团队创新 团队应有自主权,分级简单减少中间管理人员,应用非物质奖励