书籍 Going Infinite的封面

Going Infinite

Michael Lewis







From the #1 best-selling author of The Big Short and Flash Boys, the story of FTX’s spectacular collapse and the enigmatic founder at its center.

When Michael Lewis first met him, Sam Bankman-Fried was the world’s youngest billionaire and crypto’s Gatsby. CEOs, celebrities, and leaders of small countries all vied for his time and cash after he catapulted, practically overnight, onto the Forbes billionaire list. Who was this rumpled guy in cargo shorts and limp white socks, whose eyes twitched across Zoom meetings as he played video games on the side?

In Going Infinite Lewis sets out to answer this question, taking readers into the mind of Bankman-Fried, whose rise and fall offers an education in high-frequency trading, cryptocurrencies, philanthropy, bankruptcy, and the justice system. Both psychological portrait and financial roller-coaster ride, Going Infinite is Michael Lewis at the top of his game, tracing the mind-bending trajectory of a character who never liked the rules and was allowed to live by his own―until it all came undone.

从之前的 Big Short, Flash Boy再到今天的Going infinite,Lewis一如既往对要写的细分行业缺乏深度的了解,甚至都没有表现出学习的意愿,相反时不时会从文字里读出傲慢和偏见。文字充满一种传记文学的风格,过于关注一些不重要的细枝末节,对素材重要性缺乏判断。水平远不如一些大媒体调查记者的主题写作。对于FTX崛起到崩溃的几个关键事件——defi热潮扮演的角色,alameda做市亏损,luna/ust崩盘缺乏足够的展开。借用友邻的一句点评,lewis这么多年还是只会一种”孤胆英雄单挑华尔街“的叙事
这是一本可读性非常强的,关于SBF这个人的纪实故事。但是对于非crypto领域的读者来说,读完了可能还是一头雾水:FTX究竟怎么就做起来了,最后爆掉的原因到底是什么?当然,我想这个也超过了Michael Lewis的研究能力。所以就把这本书当做一个精彩的故事读就好了。 读完这本书,我也有一种陷入梦境回忆的感觉,想起来19年我因为出差没有和SBF当面见上,20年初他问我是否感兴趣投资FTX,而我当时对Crypto已经心灰意冷就没有接话。这也许就是这个行业的常态——一场光怪陆离的充满着技术、金融、人性等元素的赛博之梦。
过去几年的人类历史不仅有Covid,也有一场超过郁金香的全球性狂欢。一群90后,可以如此掀起一场如梦幻影,内心还是有些微微的敬佩。在LA三天开车听完了这本书,好多次都忍不住喊了出来“这也可以?” 虽然不一定能完全理顺大厦倾倒的因果,但对FTX核心团队的细节描写确实很有趣。
1.Don't be an EA. 回到生活,生活还是不是算帐的地方的 2.crypto world,瞬息万变,落袋为安